Chapter 18

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Elizabeth and Delilah couldn't believe how fast six months had gone by, Elizabeth had officially been 19 for over a month now and Eli was growing fast. Boyd hadn't been back since he had caused a fight two months ago. They had begun baby proofing the house, and Delilah had invested in a couple toy mirrors when Eli had started to show interest in looking at herself in mirrors. The two had also started to play with Eli more, they would take her to the park and push her in a swing, or go down a slide with her in their laps. Elizabeth had also been dropping some of the unnecessary nicknames given to her daughter, only sticking with Eli or Bean, since Eli began reacting to her name more. Eli had also started to make sounds, things that would quickly become words.

"Eli, that's not for your mouth!"

Elizabeth shrieked as she pulled a marker from her daughter's slobbery mouth. Eli quickly replaced the marker with her fist, chewing softly. Elizabeth quickly pulled that out too and handed the baby, a teething ring. Eli's head was losing her wispy blonde hair, which was normal, her blue eyes were always wide and sparkling with curiosity. She was sitting by herself and bounced up and down when they would hold her so she could stand. "She eating something again?"

Delilah said as she closed the front door and walked past the living room, "Shut up, 'Lilah".

"Oof, who shit in your cheerios?"

Elizabeth glared at the wall that divided the kitchen and living room.

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