Chapter 24

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Eli, Penny, and Lucas skipped out of their fourth grade classroom, all with linked arms. They smiled up at Elizabeth, who was standing out the front waiting for them, "Hi, mom".

"Hey, guys", Elizabeth said, "Ready to go?"

They all nodded, and Penny jumped into telling the mother all about their day, "We had to do an assignment on our parents today".

Eli flushed, "I needed help because I've never met dad".

"I told her to put my dad down!"

Lucas chimed in, flicking Eli's ponytail. "Did you do that?"

Eli nodded, "Yeah, and then we were asked what our wishes where for when we were older".

Penny bounced on her toes as she climbed into the car, "I said I wanted to be a model!"

"I wanna race cars!"

Elizabeth looked at her daughter as she buckled herself into her seat, "What about you, Li?"

"I wished to be like my mom. Because she's the most awesome person I know".

If only the people in the car knew how much that opinon would change in the years coming.

Was this a good ending? No, absolutely not. But I have no inspo for this anymore, and I wanted to wrap it up, so here. I might pick it back up and add more chapters or little things, but for now enjoy happy Eli with her friends and family.

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