Chapter 22

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It took all of two weekends with Eli before Boyd skipped one. "I'm sorry, but I already had plans".

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and cooed at the baby, who was extremely cranky, "I asked last weekend you were here, and you had nothing on. Don't pull that shit", she said sharply, "You either get your ass here in the next half hour or you don't see her again".

She tickled the baby's tummy softly. Boyd sighed down the other line, "I'm not in the country, Liz-".

"Too fucking bad", she snapped before hanging up. She picked Eli up and nuzzled her cheek, "You dad's an asshole", she mumbled.

The front door opened, and Adam walked in and flopped on the couch, "Boyd cancel?"

"A different country, man", Elizabeth sighed, "Eli's stuck with mommy and uncle Adam!"

Eli giggled, "Boo! Mama!"

Eli made a short 'A' sound, like she was trying to say Adam's name. Adam smiled, "I'll go make some of those muffins she likes". He stood up quickly, pressed kisses to both girls foreheads and dashed into the kitchen.

Eli had made a huge mess of the muffin Adam made her. Elizabeth and Adam quickly played a best of three 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'. They tied each time, so they mutually decided the mess was for Delilah to clean, so they gave the baby a bath and went to watch Spongebob. "What the fuck?!"

Delilah had entered the house through the back door, "Did you forget your keys again?"

Elizabeth asked loudly. "Yeah, I did. You two look comfortable so I thought I'd go through the back and I come inside to this absolute clusterfuck!"

Adam snorted as he heard her rummage around for cleaning supplies, "Sorry, but we tied in best of three!"

Delilah groaned, "No Boyd?"

"Nope, he's off in a different country!"

Delilah scoffed at her best friend's answer. Five minutes later she re-entered the room, "Of bloody course", she said with her hands on her hips.

Elizabeth nodded and leaned back a little, "She's asleep, so g'night guys", she gently stood.

Elizabeth's phone buzzed, she checked it and declined. Boyd was not getting the easy way out now.

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