Chapter 25

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Elizabeth smiled as she watched Eli run around the playground with a little blonde and brunette. She came running up to her mother, the two children behind her, "Mommy! Mommy!"

Elizabeth looked down at the three-year-old, "What's up?"

"Can Penny and Lucas come and play?"

Elizabeth shook her head, "No, sorry honey. Maybe another day", she stood up and slung the pink Barbie backpack over her shoulder. Eli stomped her foot and pouted as her mother leaned down to pick her up, "Do you two know where your parent's are?"

The two nodded and ran off, Lizzie followed them, "Do you two make new friends?"

Two mothers stood in front of the kids, smiling at Lizzie and Eli, "Hi, I'm Elizabeth", she reached out her hand.

The two shook it, "Vicky and Elena", the blonde one said.

Vicky looked like the little girl, meanwhile Lena looked nothing like the boy. She had bright red hair and green eyes, "Eli came running up asking if they could come over and play. I was wondering-".

"We can give you our numbers and sort something out later today", Elena said.

Elizabeth handed the red-head her phone, which was passed off to Vicky before returned to her. Lizzie smiled before looking at her daughter, "Say bye-bye to our friends, Li".

Eli waved, "Bye!"


Elizabeth watched as Eli, Lucas, and Penny ran around the backyard. A plate of watermelon sat on the patio table, as well as three discarded plates of chicken nuggets. Delilah and Adam were in New York for some family thing, so Elizabeth was watching three children for six hours. She was reading some random book, watching the kids between sentences. The doorbell rang, Lizzie stood up and made her way through the house, opening the door to reveal the two mothers. "They're out the back".

She led the two to the backyard, "Momma! Look!"

Elizabeth watched as the three jumped around on the spot, "That's so cool! Lucas and Penny your moms are here, grab your things!"

The three groaned and stomped off inside, Elena and Vicky followed. Lizzie picked up the plates and dumped them on the kitchen island before walking to the living room. Eli was in hysterics, "Do they have to go?"

Elizabeth picked up her child, nodding her head, "They can't live here, we already have Delilah and Adam!"

Eli sniffled and nodded, "Can they come over again?"

"You can come to one of our houses next time, Eli", Elena promised, zipping up Lucas' bag and helping him put it on.

Everyone started walking to the door, with the mother and daughter waving as the cars peeled out of the driveway. "Do you wanna watch Dolly the Dinosaur?"

Eli nodded enthusiastically, "Dinosaur!"

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