Chapter 24

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Eli was two and a half, and was currently running around the park while Adam chased her. She wasn't really running, more or less toddling around with speed and occasional falls. Elizabeth and Delilah watched the two, "Heard from Boyd?"

"No", Elizabeth sighed, "It's okay, Eli has you two".

Delilah looked at her best friend, "Yeah, but what about you? You okay?"

Elizabeth shrugged, "Over it, really. He wasn't there from the beginning, I don't know what I expected". 

Delilah looked at her, "If that helps you sleep at night, Liz".

Adam came running back over with the toddler in his arms, "Someone's grumpy, I think it's time for a nap".

Elizabeth grabbed Eli, "Then I guess we better start walking back home".


Eli stared up at her mother, watching as she softly pushed her towards the doors of the classroom. Eli was three and a half now, about to start preschool. Her eyes were glassy as Elizabeth pushed her inside and gave her a hug, "You behave and have fun. I'll be back after lunch, so go make some friends", Elizabeth said, tugging her daughter's hands off her.

Eli whined as her mother turned around and blew her a kiss before rushing out of the classroom. Eli almost instantly went off to go play with the dolls, while Elizabeth got stuck outside with some of the mothers. "You look so young!"

"You have to tell us your secret!"

Elizabeth stared wide-eyed at the group of moms in leggings and sport bras, "Oh, it's not really a secret. No beauty hacks or anything-".

One of them gasped, "You have such good genetics! Which one of them is yours?"

Elizabeth fiddled with her fingers before glancing inside the class room and pointing at Eli, "Right there, playing with the dolls with her bag on".

They all cooed, "How old is she?"

"Three and a half", Elizabeth said, "Turns four in September".

One of them, who had bleach blonde hair turned, "You must use some kind of serum, or do some kind of pilates or yoga. Maybe plastic surgery".

Elizabeth shook her head, "I look young because I am young".

"How old are you then?"

"How old are you?"

The blonde looked offended at the question but answered anyway, "Twenty five".

One of the other moms scoffed, "More like thirty five. You had Kelly when you were thirty".

Elizabeth stifled a chuckle, "I'm twenty one, turn twenty two in February. I had Eli when I was eighteen", she said before turning on her heels and walking out.

Meanwhile Eli shoved a doll into the fake pool, along with another little girl called Kelly. They giggled as they bent their arms and legs and made them do weird things. Eventually the two decided to head off to the arts and crafts table.

When Eli was picked up she cried harder than she had when she was dropped off. Elizabeth took it as a good sign as she wrestled the child into her coat and backpack. Eli screamed and wailed the whole way home, talking about wanting to see her friend Kelly again. Adam and Delilah made her go quiet when they put SpongeBob on.

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