Chapter 1: Zoey Smith

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In a middle sized room, Zoey is seen sleeping on a scattered bed. Her room is being decorated with various posters of different actors and singers. The light from the window reflected into the room.

Her alarm clock rang making her flutter her eyes. She scratched her hair and faced the other side, ignoring the alarm.

It rang again and she stopped it. She narrowed her eyes as she looked at her phone.

"Shit" she expressed knowing she was late for school.

She jumped up quickly and ran into the bathroom. A few minutes later, she got out. She wore her normal clothes, baggy t-shirt and baggy pants. She placed her legs into her sneakers. Then grabbed her phone and her bag and left the room.

She ran down the stairs with her bag hung on one shoulder.
"Morning, dad" she said as she walked to the kitchen where her dad cooked.

"Morning, you better get going to school, you're late" he said as he fried the egg.
Zoey fetched a cup of water from the dispenser and drank. She grabbed the food her dad packaged for her and ran out of the house.

The street was busy as a lot of people walked along the road paths and cars drove along the road. They were cyclers, skaters, roller skaters and so on. Zoey walked because she missed the bus. She walked quickly and soon began running till she reached her school.

Naveen Highschool. USA.


Zoey stepped into the noisy classroom as everyone's eyes landed on her, she ignored their gaze and walked to the last role of the class. She sat between Damella and Natasha.

"What's up?" Natasha shook hands with Zoey before she sat down.
Zoey took a little case and a little mirror out from her bag. She opened the case and took the contact lenses.

"Let me guess, you came late because of the party last night" Damella said and Natasha scoffed.

"What do you mean? She usually comes late" Natasha said making Zoey shoot her a glare.

"I missed my alarm" Zoey said as she fixed her contact lenses.

Just then the teacher walked in.
"Good morning class" he greeted and they all greeted in unison.

Zoey threw a bubble gum inside her mouth as she watched the others greet Mr Brendon.


"Alright, can anyone solve the equation on the board?" Mr Brendon asked and only one hand was raised.

Zoey's eyes moved towards the owner of the hand and quickly rolled her eyes.
Austin Addams, she hated him. He was the class president and because of that he was too proud of himself. She wondered why his last  name was Addams, cause she loved the tv show character; Wednesday Addams.

She stared at the board blankly as Austin solved the equations. When he was done, everyone clapped for him.

" Correct" Mr Brendon said and he walked back to his seat as his friends cheered for him.

Just as Mr Brendon was about resuming his lecture, everyone's eyes moved towards the door and the class filled with chatter.

Mr Brendon halted and looked at the four boys that stood at the door.

"Misters, you're late once again" Mr Brendon said.

"Sorry teach" Scott, one of the guys who had ruffled hair with his first two buttons left open said.

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