One door closes and another door opens

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The funeral for princess athanasia came in quickly and went smoothly, it was a big funeral as she had many allies, the same people who celebrated her execution in her first life were now the same people who mourned their princess and prayed to the gods that they have mercy on her soul

her body was cremated just as she wished, Claude created a cottage filled with flowers and a bed in the center and spread her ashes there, where she will rest, a private funeral was held with only her family in attendance, they told their last goodbyes, then the cottage was closed never to be opened again, as she will finally rest in peace

theor decided to stay with heinry for some time before returning back to palace as the same reminds him of athanasia, Lilian decided to also leave the palace and stay with heinry as she holds too many memories with the princess in the imperial palaces

With the lost of his daughter, Claude is now once again nothing more but a man with a throne, no family, no love, and no one to care for, he felt as if he was child again, an illegitimate second prince with a sick mother by his side hoping a miracle will happen and he'll have someone again, but he knows better

Miracles never happen

As he was pouring himself another drink to ease his pain and grief, as Claude was about to sip his drink he felt as if he wasn't alone in his chambers, his first thought was that it must been his brother or Felix who wanted to stay with him as support

" I ordered not be disturb-"

" hello Claude, my name is Moira, do you wish what you desire the most?" It was a tall woman with light blue hair and eyes were filled with stars, she resembled a spirit

" w-who are you" he demanded

" like father like daughter" Moira says amused remembering the same look Athanasia gave her, while Moira observed the emperor, she scoffed as he looked a bit pathetic

Moira barely had any sympathy for the emperor, every event that happened is his doing, from Diana dying, to their daughter having the same fate, if Claude was with Diana throughout her whole pregnancy and supported her than being a little bitch who hid from her, he would noticed there was something wrong Diana's meals and her birth, Diana would've lived if he was by her side and didn't leave her vulnerable for everyone to pick on, come on leaving a commoner woman who little to no power in a palace full of high nobles ladies who despise her is a recipe for disaster

don't even get her started on athanasia, Claude's impulsive decision led athanasia to her fate, he practically stamped her death certificate on the night of her birth, Claude's neglect gave everyone the right to abuse their princess, to conspire against her and him, made her fragile and vulnerable for everyone to mock, and easy to kill, then when she was left with nothing and  her innocence was destroyed, she was dragged into madness and vengeance that in the end, ending her life was her only answer for peace

Claude is a victim of his own circumstances with being abused by his stepmother, neglected by his father, mother was too bedridden to protect him, and the only person by his side suddenly changed, but even with all that, it will never excused what he did to the two people he  loved, because no matter what excuse, Diana and athanasia died by his negligence and hands

" the name is Moira, I am a spirit who grants wishes, I'm the reason your daughter had a second chance of life" she simply answered, a wave of anger lashed out, this woman is the reason why his daughter is no longer with him, the reason why she's gone

" you-"

" if I were you i wouldn't continue that sentence" Moira glared  knowing what he was thinking, she wasn't here to fight but to fix a broken family, even though athanasia firmly said she does not want to repeat another life but simply rest her soul, Moira  still had a loophole to use

The regretful father's only wishWhere stories live. Discover now