Just like seeing her for the first time again

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" wow, I didn't expect this years festival to be so packed!" Anastasius got down the carriage, they finally arrived at the festival, more people attended this year's festival than last years

" where do you want to go first claude, Claude?" Anastasius tried the get his brothers attention, but the only thing Claude could only think of was the terrible smell in the air, in his last life he handled the city's smell thanks to the sewer system he created which he couldn't do without Diana's assistance who gave him the idea, but since he hasn't met her yet, the sewer system hasn't been made

Claude found Diana's intelligence charming and mysterious, it was one of the many things he loved about her, Diana always seemed to have an answer for anything, she fluently spoke almost every language in the continent including dead ancient languages that only few high scholars know of, she also knew many historical facts about every nation including obelian facts that he didn't know himself

Claude would not lie he many had doubts of her status as a commoner, commoners aren't educated like nobles, so for Diana to be that knowledgeable was suspicious, not only that Diana carried herself with a noble elegance and had perfect etiquette that you couldn't critique, and she was a political and business intellect, she was a genius. how could she be a commoner, but then again those doubts erase when she opens her mouth. Even though Diana had a way with her words, being witty and careful of what she says, sometimes her commoner tongue slip up and she'll say some of the most shameless or down right treasonous words without realizing it

" oh wow, his dried up pussy must be cracked and swore from all that dick riding, but what do you expect from those bastard, they think they're all that but they wouldn't survive a night in the streets"

he found it adorable

" Claude!" Anastasius interrupted his brother's thoughts

" yes brother, what is it!" Claude asked annoyed, he forgotten how annoying Anastasius is

" where should we start?" His brother asked again, Claude began to think where Diana could possibly be, a couple a little girls then walked by them talking quite loudly

" oh my god, I heard she is prettier in person!"

" let's hurry while we still can, it's not of everyday that siodonna dancers perform here!" The girls ran off, they were talking about Diana. One of the most surprising things claude learned was how popular Diana was in Obelia especially to the commoners, she was practically worshipped by young girls,he knew she was a performer spending her days creating music but he didn't think she would gather that many admirers. When Diana died he banned her music from ever being played, he didn't want any memory of her

" let's see what they are talking about" Claude told his brother, they followed where the crowd formed, the music became louder, the sounds chanting and drums filled their ears, it seems the crowd were very excited

" damn, these dancers must have them hooked, I can barely think!" Claude heard his brother yell, after five minutes of fighting through the crowd to be up front, Claude finally made it

"Diana" Claude he breathe out,  he could swore the world became brighter, there she stood looking as beautiful as he remembered, her skin fair and healthy, her hair long and wavy no longer dull and lifeless, her eyes filled with stars and life no longer filled with tears and anger, she smiling and dancing Claude's heart was racing fast like the night he first met her

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