A night to remember: part one

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Diana and her crew arrived at the emperor's banquet wearing their best clothes, Diana wore a thin pink strap dress with a v neck line that showed heavy amount of her chest, curves and her back, with black laces adorning the neck line and the back of the dress, and her pink lace dupatta that wrap around her, her hair was left alone only being tied back and clipped with a fancy floral clip that the crown prince gifted her for her birthday. It was the fanciest dress she owned and brought with her to Obelia since Agatha had told her to bring the dress with her

Diana smirked taking a sip of her wine ignoring the dirty looks she was receiving from noble woman who kept an eye on their husband who stared at the dancer contemplating on walking towards her. Diana  understood since her dress wasn't of nobility and can be considered scandalous in noble Obelia as they are known for their strict modest appearance, while Siodonna aren't strict with modesty as most tend to wear looser clothing such as loose robes to combat the hot weather. It was pointless real as Diana would rather be caught dead than give any of those married man a chance. Not only cause they are married but also they're all ugly and weird looking, Diana  liked her man rather pretty so the shit they spew from their dirty mouths could be ignored

" they're staring at us as if we are a piece of meat" arwa one of the  dancers and close friend of hers who stood beside whispered in her ear

" what to expect when you are attending noble banquets, nobles especially the man are straight whores who hide them themselves under the cloak of righteousness, be ready to stroke their egos before gently rejecting them. Remember with a scorned pride is a dangerous thing" Diana told her giving her a look of teasing, arwa chucked before taking a sip of her juice. Arwa didn't like drinking wine or alcohol in general

" well aren't they are being a bit too shameless staring at us like that, especially you, these women look like they want to take your head, thank god you wore your dupatta"

" it only tells me I should dance harder during my performance" Diana replied snickering at the thought of truly making those women mad

" Diana" arwa scolded

" It is only a jest  arwa" the two woman laughed while observing nobles, while Diana drank her wine and quietly mocked the nobles that only her friend could hear, as Arwa chuckled listening to her friends jest, she noticed that Diana was drinking her fourth glass of wine in the thirty minutes they had arrived and was beginning to be tipsy. From what arwa knew of her friend, Diana was never a heavy drinker, there isn't a moment where she drank heavily, maybe she was looking too deep into this, but as a friend arwa could sense something was bothering her friend

" the wine must be good since you're drowning yourself in it, isn't that your fourth glass" she reluctantly asked her, Diana paused sipping her drink and chuckled awkwardly feeling uncomfortable

" I didn't even notice this was my fourth glass, the wine is good, though it's not Siodonna's red" she simply replied though her voice carried a slight sneer

"last night I heard crying in the bathroom and you were not in the bed, are you okay diana, is everything alright?" Arwa turned to her friend with a low heavy concern voice so none could hear, Arwa could sense something made Diana tense and uneasy

Diana became silent reluctant to answer, she could've swore she made sure not to make any noise that could awaken anyone, she didn't wish to tell anyone of her but Arwa god bless her soul was always noisy and would never let things go until she had an answer

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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