She's sweet like candy, she's so sweet

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" blessing and glory upon the sun of Obelia, I Diana greet the emperor" Diana bowed elegantly with only confidence seeping out, the room stayed quiet with neither figures opening their mouths, it continued to stay quiet for a couple of minutes until Diana's back began to feel sore since she was still bowing

" please say something my back is killing me here" Diana quietly chuckled  but loud enough for Claude to hear

" rise" Claude finally opened his mouth, Diana sighed relief standing up rubbing her back to sooth her soreness

" if I may speak, I heard you wanted my presence and I had  thoughts that it may have to do about rumors of slander that came from my mouth, it is not true I only spoke highly of  his majesty- Diana lied through her teeth

" that is not the reason, but we'll get back to your slanders" Claude interrupted wanting to laugh, she looked so small below him like a kitten, but Diana was no kitten

" oh, well then what does his majesty needs of me, as to put it bluntly, I do not know you nor do you know me" Diana asked him, Claude didn't realize he would have to answer such question

" a fan"

" huh!" Diana was clearly taken back by his answer, she didn't expect the emperor of obelia to be fan of her music where she mostly sings about nonsense, it just didn't seem something like the likes of him will enjoy, maybe he discovered her from one of his many concubines. Diana then broke out laughing

" what you know about love game" she cackled not caring for her etiquette or attitude with the emperor of obelia,her laugh did died down realizing she's should not have such brazen attitude towards a man who could kill her in a second, while Claude was gazing lovingly at her, Diana easily forgets her place sometimes, but he liked that about her. Diana did not care for positions

" I deeply apologize for my brazenness, I forget where I stand, I act this way towards the royal family back home, since I'm very close to the crown prince, prince Arash, you must know him" Diana bowed once again in respect, adding her connection to the prince as a warning if he wants to punish her. The emperor can't touch her if he doesn't want any issues with the powerful kingdom of Siodonna

" it is alright, I heard you were performing for my festival and wanted a private performance, i can't simply show my face since it will attract attention, you must understand" Claude says finding a good excuse for her presence, it worked as Diana nodded furiously understanding

" of course of course, I definitely understand, being emperor with the jewels eyes must be exhausting as everyone will know who you are the minute they laid eyes on you, and you're also ridiculously handsome" she said before pausing realizing she called the emperor handsome, Claude froze before grinning, it seems his appearance

" Ignore the last statement, but it would be an honor to give you a performance" Diana blushed. They walked to the gardens where their table was waiting. Diana wanted to walk behind him as it's mandatory to always walk behind the emperor if you aren't in the same social standings, but Claude ordered for her to walk next to him despite her social standing, not only that their bodies were only close to one another, few inches apart really. Claude noticed how nervous Diana was, how she was twisting her ring when she's nervous that it became a habit and how she was biting her lips, but put on a masked smile and attempted to start a question

" I knew how rich and beautiful obelia is but it's truly richer in person, so many rich ornaments in the walls, if I stoled one I can feed my whole village for a year" she chuckled nervously before realizing her words

" not that I would steal-"

" I understand" Claude assures her, " my brother is fond of rich ornaments that he tormented me to add them to my palace, he says an emperor shouldn't have a humble palace to show his wealth"

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