A new beginning

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When Claude opened his eyes, he didn't expect to be in the ruby palace chambers with many of his former concubines beside him sleeping, both his brother and Felix stood before him disappointed and disgusted

" who would have e thought he will turn out like this" claude heard his brother snide remark of his ways, as if he's to judge, Anastasius was the biggest whore there is after he's failed engagement. Claude groaned in pain, his head was booming as if someone was repeating hitting him with a wooden sword

" Your majesty, please wake up" Felix called him once again

" what day is it" he demanded, from what Claude remembers, he meets Diana during the night of his festival celebrating his reign and birthday, then meets her again on his twentieth birthday during his birthday banquet, two months later, she finds out she's pregnant

" here you are naked with whores laying around you, and now you're ordering us around" Anastasius mocked as he walks towards the curtains and opened it to let light reflect on the darkened room, Claude hissed before glaring at his brother the urge of punching him levied against him

" your majesty it's the 20 of February" Felix informed him, his former concubines began to wake up thanks to the light that blinded their eyes, they groaned and as they opened their eyes surprised to see Anastasius and Felix, they covered themselves

" good I still have time" Claude ignores their existence gets up and leaves the chambers not sparing a glance to anyone and not caring that he is without any clothing.  Anastasius and Felix looked dumbfounded glancing at each other, they were both confused on Claude sudden change of behavior, they quickly followed him out and catch up to him with Anastasius taking one of the bedding sheets on the floor with him

" cover yourself, no one wishes to see you naked!" Catches up to him and cover naked figure

" time for what" Anastasius then asked. Claude still did not  know how to feel about Anastasius, with the confirmation of being possessed by their ancestor is the reason why he treated him so terribly and betrayed him, Claude still doesn't how to feel about him and have a normal relationship with him, despite knowing he did not mean to do such things the pain Anastasius caused him was still fresh, he still couldn't move past it

Was this how Athanasia felt?

" things........" he answered while observing the ruby palace. A traitor is among this palace, a rat  working for that wench who will eventually poison Diana during her stay. Though countess Rosalia and that traitorous Alpheus are responsible for her death, it doesn't mean they didn't receive any help, each person in the imperial palace is a suspect to Diana's murder only ones who are safe from any suspicion is Lilian York

She is too loyal to ever betray Diana

And perhaps Maude, Diana's former servant

Claude is suspicious sure about Diana's servant, she was in charge of Diana's meals and most likely forced her to eat them as she was pregnant, from what he remembered which is not a lot since he never cared for the  girl, Maude came from a noble family that was stripped of their titles by his father and became commoners while she the only daughter became a low servant as a reminder to other nobles. When Diana came to the ruby she was assigned to serve Diana as other servants refused to serve a commoner, when Diana fell pregnant Maude had high authority as a commoner as she is taking care of a concubine pregnant with the first heir, and with that she could have easily smuggle poison inside her meals, perhaps she was conspiring with the alpheus or Judith as her house were tied to both houses.

But from what Claude also remembered, Maude was very close to diana, she was content in serving Diana, always seemed happy when he and Diana were together, Diana herself always spoke fondly of her, and when Diana was pregnant Maude came everyday trying to convince him to be there for her, in the end she tried stopping him from hurting his daughter or seeing Diana after the birth, which resulted her being killed, therefore her loyalty does align towards Diana

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