Where is my mind

663 22 9

" ugh this place smells like shit"

" well this is the capital of Obelia, it is expected to smell like shit water and piss" Diana rolled her eyes covering her nose with her scarf,  she once again couldn't sleep the night and barely had any rest so when the sun risen she woke up to start her day, the festival hasn't started yet so being the first to wake along with one of her crew they walked to go get breakfast for everyone before they waken

" if the smell wasn't so overbearing I would've enjoyed the scenery" naj, one of her male dancers and friend who accompanied sighed

" I guess the capital is pretty nice if you stare at it in a near distance away from the stench, but nothing beats our scenery back home" Diana looked around, Obelia has changed a lot since she lived as a peasant in her shortest life, was it the fourth or fifth one?, she couldn't remember. Back in her first life when she was Anaya, Obelia was the bottom of the food chain of nations, they were a struggling kingdom who was on a brink of collapsing and was practicing incest to keep their bloodline and eyes" pure", while Siodonna was two different powerful nations at war before they became one. To think in the end they are now on top of the food chain and is the most powerful nation in the continent all thanks for taking advice from the famous powerful magician of the black tower. She had to respect it

The two dancers reached the bakery and ordered egg sandwiches since it will last them a until lunch

" thank you so much for your hospitality, I will cherish these sweets" Diana thanked the owners of the bakery, the bakers gave Diana some pastries for free since they are a fan of her

" it is our own pleasure my lady, my daughter is a fan of yours, she  told us how you helped her during an altercation when she visited Siodonna" Joan one of the bakers smiled, she was a short old woman with homely aura and comforting smile

" is your daughter name Anna by any chance" Diana asked remembering helping a young girl who walked in the wrong side of town,

" you remember Anna" Joan gasped shocked

" yes I was worried if she went home safely, even though Siodonna is a safe nation there are still some dangerous places young ladies should stay away from especially at night"

"Thank you so much for helping our daughter, we will forever be in your debt" Nelson, the other baker and Joan husband thanked her again

" it's fine sir, don't mention it, I was doing my duty as a civilian" Diana smiled before waving goodbye, walking back to her inn carrying the bags of pastries

" wow they really love you here" naj said surprised

" of course they love me, who doesn't" Diana cocked

" I think I felt someone glaring daggers at me during our dance yesterday, I felt as if my head wasn't going to get blown off, isn't Obelia known for its powerful mana"

" eh probably one of my fanboys, men who fancy you get easily jealous when another man is around you, territorial type shit" Diana waved off his concerns, she had gotten used to people being territorial over her, it's annoying and exhausting but knowing how beautiful she is and how easily attracts anyone, she needed to get used to it, and she knew how to defend herself if it goes south, luckily no one ever crossed boundaries

" that-that doesn't sound right" naj furrow his eyebrows confused and a bit bothered

" well life's a bitch, to be honest before we leave I just want to do one thing" Diana turned to naj while taking one of the sandwiches out of the bag since she was starving

" I just want to get laid" she said before taking a bite of her sandwich, naj gasped and almost dropped the bags he was carrying

" Diana" he gasped once again appalled by her words while Diana cackled by his reaction. Diana was by any mean no stranger to sex, they were friends even,  she is technically a virgin in this life, not touching anyone and only kissed only one person, but she's ready to lose and get it over with, unlike nobles commoners do not care if you are a " pure virgin " or not, so if she ever gets married her husband won't care. And it could also help with her insomnia

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