Diana and the temptress

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" okay ladies and gentlemen, the festival is only for three days, after this gig we will be taking a break until our superstar here has enough music for us to perform, so no drinking, no drugs, no fighting, no sneaking out but if your going to have your fun at least use protection we do not need any unwanted pregnancies especially in a foreign nation, we all saw what happened to nera, and please no petty arguments" Curtis stared at the dancers especially at diana towards the end

Diana and the rest of the dancers, the temptresses or Diana and the temptress, arrived in obelia last night, to perform at festival that would only last for three days, the temptresses were their name, the group consisted of commoner men and women, they were pretty popular thanks to Diana who is the leader and founder of the group

" why are you looking at me for, I don't start arguments" Diana calls him out, Curtis knows better than to ever cross Diana as she brings in the crowd and is the backbone of the group, if she leaves so will his job

" I'm not saying you do" he sighed

" then why are you looking at me for saying don't start petty arguments, I don't argue with anyone other than when I need to defend myself from-"

" don't start with me diana" Lynn one of the dancers said, Diana scoffed at the girl, Lynn one of the new dancers was hostile and jealous of her and her popularity, always hearing her speak ill of her performances and her appearance behind her back then act as if she's the victim when she gets called out, the only reason as of why Diana didn't kick her out is only because she knows her mother and how they need the money

" never mentioned any names but you still felt that hit huh, but since you want open your mouth when it wasn't needed, I meant to say I defend myself from insecure little bitches like you, who can't keep my name out of your mouth" Diana who was leaning back sat up straight and looked at the girl with annoyance, ready to argue

" oh please you think your better than all of us since you're the popular one-"

" I never said that, don't project your insecurities onto me since you came here thinking you'd be the best seller and leader" she clapped back, some of the dancers began to sigh and groaned knowing now it's a start of a argument

" well I should be the popular one-"

" actually you joined six months ago, and is the last member of the group,  Diana formed this group, you can't expect yourself to be the popular one" one of the dancers butted in, sounds of agreement began to emerge, as it is true, Diana is the leader of the group and built it on all herself, when it was only a hobby to her

" shut up Iris, no mentioned you!" Lynn snapped at her

" don't tell her to shut up, she's telling the truth, I'm the leader of the group, I create the choreography, I created the music, and I design the outfits we wear, I  am the backbone of this group, and you're angry that they are coming to see me!"

" they are here to see the temptress"

" ain't no one coming to see you Lynn"

" ladies stop-"

" I'm going to be a baroness so it's lady green to you peasant!" Lynn barked furious,Diana rolled her eyes

" oh please!, you're marrying a second son of a baron, a fucking baron!, barons are a rank behind to becoming a commoner like me, like us!, your new rank is consider a joke in nobility, I rather be a commoner than be a ranking joke like yourself!" Diana finally says which caused a screaming match between the two ladies

" ladies ladies stop it, have some decorum, we are in
obelia not siodonna, act like the respectable ladies you are!" Curtis the manager of the group yelled, stopping their screaming match, Diana sighed and looked away seemingly done with the conversation while Lynn grumbled some curse words

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