praying to the moon

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"Do you know what I hate the most in life" Diana gazed down at her manager who was on the floor clutching his chest in pain after being stepped on

" Diana I can explain-Ack!" Before Curtis could explain Diana stepped on his head and slowly began to press.

" people fucking with my money, and you know what I discovered today when the emperor request for my appearance, you were fucking with my money" Turns out Curtis was secretly embezzling the money the group gained  to feed his luxurious lifestyle, he would half of the profit while claiming they were only given the second half. finding out that she was getting robbed of her money right under her own nose was very embarrassing to Diana especially since she was very observant especially when it came to money.

She glanced at her crew who were currently whispering among themselves confused on what was happening, " Curtis was embezzling our money, we were supposed to be paid 800 hundred" she exposed, gasped of disbelief was heard

" but i thought-"

" this bastard lied to us!, he stole 600 coins from us"Diana kicked Curtis chest once again as the rest of the dancers began to scream angrily at the former manager

" I don't think I even need to say this but you're fired, and I expect every money you stole to be repaid, trust me curt you do not want me to be an enemy of yours. If I feel like you withheld some of it I will my send alley men friends to handle you. Am I clear" Diana glared at the man with disgust, Curtis gave her a nod afraid to speak

" get out of my sight, now!" She ordered Curtis quickly scrambled out of the floor and ran out of the inn, she turned to her dancers and smiled enthusiastically changing her behavior as if they didn't witness her beating the crap out of her manager

" we're invited to the emperors banquet tomorrow!"she announced clapping her hands as she became excited again

" wait what" naj became the voice of the group clearing taken back by what just happened

" turns out the emperor was a big fan of me and was enlightened to have us performing for his festival, he invited us all to his banquet and perform for him" she fastly explained everything. The dancers mood shifted to excitement, all anger and disbelief from Curtis washed away with the invitation of a grand banquet, this would be the first time they were ever invited to a noble ceremony

" because tomorrow is a very important fancy day, you can all relax and get ready for tomorrow" she finished up walking to her room, she was surprising quite tired, being in the imperial palaces was quite exhausting and confusing for some strange reasons everything felt familiar, as if she had been there before

as if her mind is telling her to remember a memory she should not remember?

Diana shook those strange thoughts away, she would know if she were ever an obelian empress or important figure. She laid down and close her eyes letting the few moments of peace take over her body


"Mom? Diana opened her eyes to soft familiar whispers calling her, everything was dark and cold, she couldn't a slight of light and the floor she stood was filled with water: she was in a middle of an abyss, she couldn't move but could feel every movement in her bones. But Diana was aware of where was she, she was in the center of her nightmares

" mom"

" mom I'm scared"

" mom"

" we have tried everything but there is nothing we can do for your daughter"

" mommy I'm scared"

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