An (ab)normal dancer

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On a sunny morning where the the birds are chirping and where the people of siodonna are talking among themselves doing their chores to start their day, siodonna is fine beautiful kingdom near obelia, known for their unique culture and traditions, fine winery, spices, unique gemstones, sheer clothing, deserted land and diverse people who are of all different shades, siodonna is a kingdom filled with many riches

a small cottage near the the capital lays a fine dancer sleeping in after a long night, she groans in pain, she felt jabs of pain on her lower abdomen, her sweaty skin felt hot as if lava was poured on her, her head was pounding as if someone was trying to rip it open, and her legs felt numb, she could feel herself falling in the sky

" mama!"

" hye-wol!"

" no please she is my daughter my only daughter!"

" you ruined me diana"

" I know mother"

Diana shot up gasping for air, she got up and ran to the bathroom fully awake, her heart was beating fast and she could feel herself losing her breath, she sat inside her tub trying to calm herself down and took a bucket of cold water and splash it on herself, she laid on the tub shivering from the cold water staring at the ceiling emotionless, after a couple of minutes she smiles as if nothing happened

" a new day" she stretched her limbs trying to feel her legs before she gets cramps, she ignored her dream and pain and got up from her tub to start the warm water to bathe in, after she was finished in bathroom, she went to the kitchen to start breakfast  only to find out she ran out of bread

" damn it no bread" she needed to go grocery shopping later on, she didn't need to get much food as she lives alone since her brother isn't currently living with her as he is attending the academy of Atlanta on a full scholarship and she is leaving for a performance gig in obelia, as she drinks her tea, her cat stroll towards her, Diana's cat moona is fat white cat with many black and ginger spots, she was stray kitten diana taken care of since she was a kid

" hey moona" Diana greeted before pulling out moona's can of tuna before she leaves to start her day

Diana Rose Drakos is her name, she was orphan with only her brother by her side, losing both of her parents with her father getting killed by a robber and her mother taking her own life weeks later, Diana became orphan along with her brother heinry at the age of  thirteen, she became the provider working day and night to provide for her young brother, she took multiple jobs even performing on the streets for some coins until she landed on working for the royal family of siodonna as a maid before being upgraded as tbe personal servant to the crown prince but still being a dancer as a hobby

" hey miss Agatha!" Diana closed her door, she greeted her neighbor Agatha who was sitting on her porch knitting, agatha was the oldest person in her village, she was more of a grandmother to Diana than a neighbor, she has known her since she was a baby and helped her when she lost her parents, she has been there for her through thick and thin, protected her, and knows her the better than anyone, well other than her brother

" Diana, you came out earlier than usual" Agatha greeted

"  I didn't feel very well but I'm okay now"

" you pregnant?"

" what!?, no" Diana denied, cackling by her conclusion, Agatha had a habit of thinking she's pregnant, even though Diana never did anything to give her such conclusions

" good, find yourself a good rich man first and make him marry you before popping out his seed, and do that quick, you're getting old" she lectured again, Agatha also had a habit of telling Diana to get married soon and pop out many children, the main reason because she has no daughters and only birthed son, who all left her, therefore diana was the closest daughter she could have

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