Ill wait - Matt (1)

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Y/n's Pov - 2 years ago.

" i passed." Simon says, while grinning wide on face time. He shows me the certificate and his car. " im coming to pick you up right now." He says and i smile. " congrats, where are we going." I say and he laughs and gets in the car. " its a surprise, but put a bikini on." He smiles and i nod.

" i love you, see you soon." I say and he kisses the air and hangs up. I rush to my closet and find my favourite red bikini.

I throw on denim shorts and put some sunscreen in a bag, i put a shirt in my bag for if its gets cold later, but the sun is blaring through my window and its too hot for a shirt right now.

I rush to the front porch and grab a bottle of water and wait for Simon. An hour passes and he hasn't shown up. The sun is blaring and i move to sit under the porch to get some shade.

After an hour and a half my mom comes to join me, the land phone in her hand. " its for you baby." She says and wraps an arm around my shoulder.

" hello." I say into the phone and i hear beeping and a-lot of people shouting. " Y/n, hello!" Someone yells. " Mrs smith. Is everything okay." I ask, i sit forward, my mom runs circles on my shoulder.

" i need you to listen, simon got into an accident and he's in the ICU. You can come but you need to wait in the waiting room. Im so sorry, ill see you soon." She says and tears starts to brim my eyes.

" mom can you drive me to the hospital." I ask and she nods, i start to cry in the passenger seat and my mom rests a hand on my thigh and i cry even harder. " what if he dies." I cry and she reassures me. " dont be silly, he's so strong. Hell be okay." She says but i cry again. I jump out when i see the hospital entrance and run through to the reception.

" Simon smith. Where is he?" I ask and she looks up on the computer. " he's in the ICU, you have to wait with his family until we have more information." She smiles and my chest starts to panic.

I see Simons mom and i run up to her and wrap my arms around her. " he's going to be okay." I cry and she nods her head and wraps her arm around me tighter.

A couple hours later i havent closed my eyes, im not sure I've even blinked. The doctors say he's not stable and his mom sighs and claps her hands. " thank you so much." She says and my body relaxes.

I still cant see him so my mom convinces me to go home and get some rest and we will most likely be able to visit tomorrow. " ill bring her back tomorrow Elaine. Call me if you need anything." My mom says and Elaine smiles and they hug. I wave and my mom walks me to the car. When we get back i head to the back garden and get into the pool. I swim around until my leg muscles have gone tired and i feel relaxed. My mom orders in a pizza and then i eat a couple slices before showering and laying in bed.

My mom lays in my bed with me and we watch the office. She runs her fingers through my hair until i come sleepy. She kisses my forehead and shuts off my tv. I settle into sleep.

A harsh buzzing wakes me and i wake up and see my alarm is saying its 3.44 am. I rub my eyes and see my mom stood in the doorway. " hey mom." I say and her face is almost pale.

" its Simon, he's gone." My mom says and my chest seizes up and i refuse to believe its real. " please no." I beg and im in hysterics. My mom holds me and my dad reassures me everything's okay. Its not though, how is everything okay?

Y/n's Pov - Now.

" so yeah, we were dating for 3 years and then gone." I say and they all look at me with sad eyes. I clap my hands to snap them out this daze and they all jump. " okay, i gotta go." I say and nick grabs my arm. " we still have like a half hour of lunch." He smiles and i nod.

" heading to therapy." I say and wave goodbye. I rush to the bus station to catch the bus to the center of Boston.

When i enter the building i sit on the sofa in the waiting room. My therapist is a young woman. Shes 23 and shes tall with blonde hair and kind eyes. I decided to see therapy to help with the grief when i moved to Boston from California. At first it was hard but i kind of like getting things off my chest.

" ah, y/n, come in." She smiles and lets me in. I sit cross legged on her sofa and she smiles and grabs a notepad.

" okay, so we covered last week about your part in Simons death. Is this something still on your mind?" She asks and i nod. " i keep having dreams about him shouting at me for making him drive that day, and i feel really guilty. Because i keep replaying that day in my head. Like if i didn't live in that house he might not have been on that street. And its makes me really guilty. Or if we didn't know each other he might not have drove to see me and still be here today, i just feel sick." I say and she nods. She writes stuff down on her notepad and passes me some tissues because i dont realise I've been crying.

" none if its your fault, i know you feel guilty but it takes time to realise that you had no part to play in his death." She tells me and i nod and wipe my eyes with the tissue.

" how are you dealing now, are you feeling better or what are you feeling?" She asks and i sit forward and sigh.

" i just feel bad that i want to move on. Like we dated for 3 years and its been 2 years since the accident but i cant move on.  I feel like im cheating on him somehow and im somehow letting him down." I cry and she nods, writing stuff down on her notepad.

" its okay to feel like this, just know you deserve to be happy, and you can still love Simon and then also love someone else." She says and i smile.

" i just feel like i have some bad luck. Like what if i tell matt i like him, and he dies, then it is me. I cant tell him." I say and she looks at me with kind eyes.

" you are so strong. You just have to trust that this boy will accept you and what you have been through." She says and i nod. " but you can do this, i know you will make the right choice. So want to tell me about this boy." She asks and wiggles her brows.

" matt, my best friend. He's really supportive and i dont see him as the jealous type but my mind just holds me back." I explain and i get my phone up and show her a photo. Its me and him at the junior prom.

" he's cute, go tell him girl." She laughs and i do too. " are you my therapist or girl." I ask and she smiles. " get outta here, hour is up." She smiles and i get up and grab my bag. " see you next week." I say and walk off.

First stop matt.

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