Brothers bestfreind(s) (3)

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Aged 22:

"Do you Isabella Jenkins, take Christopher sturniolos to be your lawfully wedded husband. For the rest of your life, to love and cherish?" Im asked. I smile up at Christ and nod my head. " yes i do!" I giggle, beyond exited to marry the love of my life.

" And do you Christopher Sturniolo take Isabella Jenkins to be your lawfully wedded husband, for the rest of your life. To love and cherish?" Chris is asked. He tightens his grip on my hand and i smile. " i do." He replies.

" Well it is my honour to now pronounce you Man and Wife, you may kiss the bride." The officiant exclaims and Chris hooks an arm around my waist and pushes his lips to mine. He brings a hand to my face and brushes his lips to mine. " Hello husband." I whisper. " my beautiful wife." He whispers back and i smile and kiss him again. We cheer and then walk back down the isle.

Later on my dad stands up to say a speech. He gets everyones attention and then raises his glass. " well first of all congrats to the happy couple!" He explains and sips his drink. People clink their glasses and drink. " i first met Chris when him and his brothers knocked on the door to be friends with Nate. But suddenly i saw him and bells down at the lake together and it was obvious they were both smitten and i was so glad because i wouldn't want anyone else with my little girl. I love you Bells and i love you Chris. Congrats! Thank you!" He exclaims and people cheer and then wipe tears from their eyes.

" i love you wife." Chris whispers in my ear before falling asleep. I snuggle my head into his neck and smile. " night husband." I giggle and he laughs. " i love you." I say. " i love you more." He smiles.

Aged 26:

" pregnant?" I whisper to myself. Chris is lightly snoring in bed and im in the middle of taking my 5th pregnancy test. " CHRIS!!! Wake up!!!" I shout. He jolts awake and runs a hand over his face.

" what?" He asks. I give him 5 positive tests and he looks confused but his face soon turns soft and i smile. " were going to be parents." He asks. I nod and he pulls me in by my waist and kisses me. " i love you." He says. " and i love you too." He whispers to my belly. He falls asleep next to my belly and i rub my hands through his hair.

Aged 30:

" Daddy, i want another story!" Our sassy 4 year old quips. Chris groans and walks back upstairs. I smile and see matt outside on his porch by himself.

" you okay, want to come in, i think were watching a movie." I ask. He shakes his head. " no thats okay." He says. I tilt my head and ask him if he's sure.

" i cant." He blurts out. " why?" I laugh. He takes another swig of beer and sets the bottle down. " i cant go in there and see you together." He says. What does he mean? " what? What do you mean?" I ask. He stands up and i take a step back.

" it means im in love with you and i cant go in there and see you with him! You were meant to be mine! It was me you were meant to marry not him!" He yells, i take a step back and tears spring to my eyes.

" Dont you fucking put that on me! I waited for you and you never said anything until i was with Chris. You cannot pin this on me." I yell. He shakes his head. " you just couldn't wait to get your hands on one of us." He quips back.

" dont say that! Dont be mean." I yell back. " i liked you for years but you didn't do anything about it. Chris makes me happy! I love him."
I shout.

" But i love you, i really love you. Ive loved you since i was 13 Bells." He croaks. His voice cracks and i can see the tears glint in the dark. " no dont do this, matt please stop." I beg, tears streaming down my face. " i love you." He begs.

" i have a child! Im married you cant say that. Dont be so fucking mean. If you wanted me then you should have said something." I say. He nods and stays silent. " so thats it?" He asks.

" what else is there to say? Were not 13 anymore i just cant break it off. I have a life." I yell back, i storm away and again he dosent follow. Same old matt.

I run straight upstairs and hear Chis singing to Violet. I swipe at my tears and crawl in bed with them. " night mommy." She whispers before falling asleep.

Me and Chris head downstairs for a movie and i dont tell him about the argument. He knows about my old crush on matt and the only kiss after truth or dare. I cant cause any drama between them.

I crawl into Chris arms and he wraps his arms around me. " i love you." I whisper. I fall asleep before the movie even starts. He shuts it off and he carries me to bed. This is where i belong. With Chris. Not matt.

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