Brothers bsf - chris :) (1)

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Im older. Nate is younger than me by 1 minute and 27 seconds. And yeah i hold that against him. I want the bigger room? Im older.

But we hate being twins because we have had to share everything. The same unisex presents for Christmas. One Christmas my grandma was so dedicated to getting us matching gifts she bought us both remote controlled monster trucks. But mine was yellow and Nate's was blue. All i could do was smile and say thank you. Even though all i wanted was this pink babydoll dress. I never got it.

One thing we never shared was friends. I had mine and he had his. Apart from junior year when all my friends dumped me. They had been isolating me for months and when i called them out they dumped me. But Nate let me hang out with him and the sturniolo's for my Senior year. And we have been literally inseparable for our Senior year.

" come on, we could get a hotel room near the beach and spend a week there, we just graduated." I say and they all look skeptical. " look we all saved up enough from working last summer, lets just go." I say. I know im pushing but my senior year has been hard with barely passing and dealing with my old friendship group being toxic still.

" im in." Matt and Nick say. A huge grin on both their faces. Chris was still skeptical. I was trying to convince them because Chris was the one i wanted to come most of all. I had had a huge on Chris since freshman year. To be honest since forever. But it hadn't been so strong since freshman year. I really like him. But i couldn't say a thing. I mean. Its Chris. He could never feel the same.

" okay, sure. When?" He asks. " we set off Friday morning and then come back the next Friday." I say and they all seem on board. I tell them ill take care of the hotel booking and ill even offer to drive for a little bit. Its only 4 hours in the car until cousins beach.

By Friday morning everything is sorted and in the car by 8 am that morning. I take my moms SUV and pack mine and Nates bag in and my mom gives us $20 before kissing us on the cheek. " bye mom, love you." I say. She blows kisses as i drive us down the street to the boys house.

I drive until halfway stop and Nate takes over. Were at the Hotel by 12:30. I have my own room and Nate and the boys are in pairs. Chris and nick share and matt and Nate share. The rooms are all pale blue and white, covered in beach themed decor. We dump our bags and head out for food.

" gotta give you credit y/n, this was a good idea." He says and pokes my side. " your welcome." I smile and he does too. I force myself to stare ahed or i will probably kiss him.

The boys want to go to mini golf but i say i want to have a nap. They walk me to the hotel and i head up to nap.

Buzzing invades my ears and i wake up to my phone buzzing by my side. " hey." I ask. " hi its nick. Were gonna go out for some food and drinks in an hour." He says and i say ill knock on their door in an hour. " okay, see you soon."  I say and get up to shower.

I put on some denim shorts and a baggy shirt. I slide on my converse and brush my hair but dont bother to dry it. I put on minimal makeup before knocking on the boys door. Chris opens it with shorts and no shirt on. My face feels like its on fire, im sure im blushing. God y/n, stop!

He slides a shirt on and grabs his phone. "You look great." Nick exclaims and he stands in the hall with me. The rest of the boys come out and we head to a bbq place the boys found and it smells so food. I realise i havent eaten hardly.

I get a hot shredded pork sandwich with fries and its the best thing i have ever eaten. All the boys get ribs. And a soda and i get a cloudy lemonade.

" i genuinely feel like this is the best thing I've ever eaten." I exaggerate. " really? Oh wait till mum hears about this" Nate jokes and i laugh.

Chris laughs and his eyes stick on me for 46 seconds. I dont know why i counted i didn't even realise i was.

After dinner we head for a walk along the beach. We stick to the pavement and theres a kiosk for ice cream and i suggest it. " im stuffed" nick and Nate says and Chris grabs my arm and pulls me up. " get what you want, on me." He says and i ask for a scoop of raspberry sorbet. " cone or cup?" The worker asks and i say cup. " can i have two scoops." I ask. Chris smiles and the worker adds another. I silently scoop my ice cream in my mouth while the others trail beside me. Chris is walking next to me and he keeps peering down to me.

We walk back to the hotel and its only 9 pm. Theres a pool open until 10:30 but the boys decline my beg to swim. " you guys are grandpas." I laugh and they do too.

Im sat in my room scrolling on my phone. Its just turned 9:40 and i get a notif on my phone, its chris. I open the app. " open your door." He says and i do as he says and hes stood there im swim trunks and a towel is wrapped around his shoulder. " still wanna swim." He asks. " yes." I smile and say ill just change.

The pool is heated so when we get in my body turns hot. I swim around and Chris just walks around near me.

" you looked really pretty tonight." He says. I smile to myself and he raises a brow. " you looked great too." I say and he scoffs. " i saw you blush y/n, i know you liked what you saw." He says and i just laugh. My stomach has turned liquid and i just stare with my lips parted.

" listen, i like you." He says and he walks close until im walking backwards and my back taps the pool edge. " i like you too." I say and he smashes his lips into mine he lifts me onto the pool seat and wraps his arm around my back and keeps a hand on my neck.

" i cant, nate." He pants and i shake my head and pull him back im, he melts in my arms and kisses me back.

"10:30." Someone coughs and i burst out laughing when i see a sorta angry man waiting with a pool net. " sorry." We both say in unison and Chris dries himself and then wraps me in the towel. He walks me back to my room with his hand on the small of my back.

" see you tomorrow." I say and turn to my door. He tugs on my arm to turn me around and kiss me. " night y/n." He whispers and kisses my cheek. I smile and head into my room. I take off my wet bathing suit and throw on my pyjama top and underwear.

I keep touching my fingers to my lips, the realness not fully catching up to me. I smile and fall to sleep. My lips tired from swimming.

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