I know it wont work - Chris

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Me and Chris used to date 2 years ago. We weren't really friends but one day he just asked me out. I was really surprised because it was out of nowhere but i said yes.

Our first date was great. We went for dinner and then went to the beach for the sunset. It was the start of summer so the air was warm and the sea was cold.

Everything was great until my anxiety got worse and my self esteem just fully dropped. I shut myself away from people who cared.

Chris would call all day and leave voice mails and texts and i would get irritated . The smallest things would annoy me and then after i was all "better" i would spend weeks apologising and it was like starting the relationship all over again. After every bad mood we were back to square one. I hated it.

I broke up with him at the start of winter when i had the worst depression and didn't leave my house for a month. My mom arranged a house visit with a doctor and she asked me so many questions, my brain hurt.

" when you get these moods how often do they last." She asks me. " months, it never really feels like i get out of them." I say. I was laid on my bed and she was on my desk chair. I just wanted to scream.

So i did. I feel really bad about it but i just started screaming at her and yelling that she cannot treat me like a crazy person. She told me she thinks i have bpd, but i have to want to help myself. And i cant deny it forever. I slammed my door in her face and later that week was diagnosed with BPD.

I was given meds and i attended therapy regularly and im getting better. I work at my family owned business, i work as the cashier and this boy that comes in every Saturday morning for his food cuisine magazine, smiles at me every Saturday. He asked me out and even though i was hesitant i thought i should say yes.

" y/n will you be my girlfriend." He asks me and i nod. I smile a genuine smile for once and he presses his lips to mine.

After a week of being official with Joshua chris calls me on Friday night while im working. " hey." I say and he says the same thing. " what did i do." He asks. At first im shocked by his straightforward attitude. " what do you mean?" I ask.

" why did you break up with me?" He asks. " chris, i was so depressed." I say and he exhales. " so your not sorry." He says. " i was great to you, and then you dump me." He asks.

" chris i was turning crazy! I couldn't do that to you. You deserve a good girl." I say, im becoming aggravated so i walk to the store room to cool off.

" i cant move on. I only want you." He confesses. His confession hits me like a ton of bricks and i stand there in shock. " i dont know what you want me to say." I say.

" say you want me back." He says, for a moment i think he's joking but i start to cry when i realise he's not. " i cant- i cant do this."
I say and hang up. I turn my phone off and then put it in my pocket. I lock the shop up an hour early and tell my dad im sick and need to get some rest.

I get straight in bed and sob until my eyes ache. I want him back more than anything. But can he handle me. I want to be better for him.

The next week is full off awkwardly stares in the hallway with chris. Josh is asking me if im okay every hour. " im good babe, heading to class." I say and kiss him before heading in the opposite side. I see chris stood at his locker and when he sees me he walks after me. " y/n." He shouts.

I freeze in the middle of the hallway and realise no ones here. " please just lets talk about us." He asks. I start to cry. " what do you want me to say. Im crazy chris." I yell and he tries to calm me down. I walk away.

" i still love you." He shouts, i stop in my tracks and walk back to him. " why? Just move on." I say and he nods his head. " i cant." He says and waits for me to reply and when i dont he heads toward his class.

I walk away because i know were not feeling the same thing. Im scared. He's not. I leave the building and drive straight home. I get my meds and take a couple of my anxiety pills. My chest shakes but i soon calm myself down.

Early Sunday morning im wide awake after getting a total of 2 hours sleep so i put on my shoes and head out, Chris being the only thing on my mind.

His confession hasn't stopped playing in my mind since Friday and my therapist told me once to combat your anxiety just charge in headfirst.

" Chris." I say into my phone. He grunts groggily and i keep repeating his name. " im coming over now, im pulling up so hurry and get in the car." I say, i sound rushed. " are you kidnapping  me." He asks. " shut up, 5 minutes." I say and he hums and hangs up.

I pick him up and our drive to the beach from our first date is silent. When we pull up realisation is registered on his face and he smiles fondly.

" i need to tell you something." I say. " all ears." He replies and i smile. I jump out the car and run to the sea. He runs after me and stops so close to me he can surely feel my heart thumping.

" i still love you too. And i know it will take time but i want to be better for you, but im scared at the moment. But i love you. So much. And i dont want my BPD to get in the way, because i do love you." I say and he smiles and pulls me in for a kiss. I pull back to see his smile and push my lips into his again.

" im scared too, but ive never been so sure in my life. Your the one for me. I could never move on." He says and i pull him in for a kiss and i pull back and rest my head in his chest. I feel safe in his arms. Im sure were going to be okay.

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