casual - nicolas sturniolo

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a/n: was listening to casual - Chappell roan and needed to write this!

Im at my friend nicks house and its our usual Friday night, where we binge the office and eating as much popcorn as we can. "i want a love story like Jim and pam." i blurt out and nick nods and hums in response.

" how did that date go?" he asks me. " it was awesome to be honest we kissed and that was about it, but he paid for my dinner and drove me home. and called he handsome so many times." i smile and nick is smiling with me. we watch a couple more episodes before falling asleep, the next morning i get a message from Josh and he's asking to hang out.

" NICK! he wants to see me again!" i squeal and nick runs his hands over his face groaning. " can i wear some of your clothes?" i ask and nick nods sliding his glasses on his face.

i shower and pick our some jeans and one of nicks good shirts, i slide on the same vans i wear everywhere and look in the mirror, messing with my hair nervously. " James you look perfect, stop!" nick reassures me and my phone vibrates and its Josh, hes here.

" thank you nick, i love you." i say as i head out.  josh is in the car in dark jeans and a crisp white t shirt, his hair still wet. he smiles when he sees me walking towards him.

he takes us to get food then we go to his dorm room and lay on his bed watching movies. we kiss so much i feel like my lips will start hurting any second. He even takes me home and walks me to the door, kissing my cheek before letting me walk into the house.

a few months later:

i've been seeing josh for a couple months now and while its nothing serious or exclusive it is to me. im falling for this guy more and more every day.

he kisses my head goodnight when i sleep over and he calls and texts all the time. i even met his mum and little sister, he told me about his dad leaving and i wiped his tears when he did.

But he's never told anyone about us. He dosent post about us, it's like he still wants us to be a secret.

Its Thursday and i have a free period and i catch josh in the library, he looks so good i have to go up to him. we usually dont speak in school but im breaking that today.

I walk up to him and mess with his hair and kiss the top, he jerks away and i cant forget the pure disgust on his face.

"what are you doing?" he asks me.
" saying hi? can i not?" i ask, he's looking around frantically and im trying to fight tears.

" no, you cant when anyone could see."  he says, then adds on something no one wants to hear when your in love. " its just casual." he says, his face looks like he wants to take it back but he dosent. his lips seal shut and he just looks ashamed.

" so it was casual when you cried on my shoulder or kissed me and told me you were all mine." i ask. he dosent reply just asks me to leave him alone.

I wait until im in the car before letting the tears come. I sit lost for a minute until i decide who i need, i need nick. i need my best friend. 

i walk into his room and hes sat on his bed editing a video, as soon as he sees my red eyes he jumps off his bed and wraps his arms around me. 

" what happened James?" he asks me. " Josh said we were just casual and he looked absolutely disgusted when i kissed him at the library." i cry and nick rubs circles on my back.

" oh James!" he exclaims and sits me on the edge of his bed and sits next to me. He wipes the tears off my face and then looks at me with sad eyes.

" you dont deserve that. you deserve someone absolutely crazy about you because you are absolutely awesome you deserve someone sure about you not someone who isn't." he explains whilst holding my hand.

the emotion gets to me and i grab nicks face and press my lips to his and he grabs my hair and kisses me back. " i love you James." he says whilst we kiss. i lean over more and grab his torso he lifts the back of my shirt a little and his hands roam over my back.

" nick no, your my best friend." i say after i pull back, my hands still on his face. "ill treat you better than any man will and you know it." he looks up at me. I rest my head against his, he's right i know he is.

" i dont want to fuck this up." i say.
" you wont." nick reassures me. My hand tightens on his and he smiles.

" now shut up and kiss me." he rolls his eyes. I hold his face again and kiss him so much. Nick was all i needed and had been under my nose for so long.

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