Brothers bestfriend(s) (1)

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Aged 13:

Summer really starts when i smell the salt air and see the lake. Our house is old but when my parents bought this place they really made it look modern. In the kitchen they brought their bright red coffee machine, it matches my moms thick red rimmed glasses.

My parents love nature, always hiking. But my dad hates the water. I prefer to swim and sit around the lake all day but they would rather hike in the woods. My older brother is 15 while im akward and 13. He has bright blonde hair and i have my moms muddy brown hair, i got bangs when i saw it in a teen magazine. They made the models face slick and chiselled but mine constantly stick to my face, sweaty and damp.

" hurry and help us unload!" My older brother Nate yells. He leans over me and presses the horn. My dad scowls at him and my mom is already moving bags to the house.

Matt and Chris walk over. Nick is rolling his eyes but following close behind them. I smile and stand at the trunk of the car.

" bells you've grown kiddo." Chris chuckles and ruffles my already sweaty bangs. There longer this summer but my hair takes ages to grow.
" stop calling me kiddo." I groan and elbow his side, he yelps and picks up a box. Were unpacked in no time.

Im reading by the bay, my skin is covered in SPF 40 and im just getting to the good part of my novel, the main boy finally commits his love for the girl. I smile and a head pops up from the water and i smile. " whatcha reading. Porn?" He giggles. Matt. Stupid matt.

"No! Dont say that!" I shriek and he just laughs. His body glides under water and i can see every move he makes. I slam my book shut and jump into the lake.

" sorry kiddo, gotta go. Were heading to town!" Matt says, i look up to see Chris and Nate and Nick stood waiting by the car. I never minded them being older and all boys because i rarely got left alone. But this summer feels different.

When the sun goes down i head to the basement and turn on my favourite romance movie. The notebook. Halfway through the movie when matt bursts in. He's wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. He flops on the sofa next to me, swinging his legs into my lap. I laugh and push his feet away.

" what are we watching." He asks. We? My ears burn and i turn to the tv, suddenly embarrassed by my choice of movie. " boring, lets watch a zombie movie." He asks. I shush him and that earns me a baffled look on his face.

" your no fun, bells." He says. " i am and you know it." I wiggle my brows and he smiles. When the movie finishes my mom opens the basement door and yells bed time. My face turns beet red and when we both go upstairs i see Nate and the others playing board games. I sulk and head upstairs.

I lay in bed listening to all of them screeching downstairs. There not that older than me.

I swirl in bed and think about the first time we came here. My friend Lucy had just gotten her first boyfriend and she was dropping me day by day. We had planned to go to the mall and as soon as we got on the escalator he was stood there, a cocky grin on his face. My face burned and i felt pathetic. I just felt stupid. I followed them around for an hour until they just completely ignored me, they walked in-front of me and i snapped.

" what the hell lucy? Why invite me anyway!"
I yelled. She looked expectant and just grinned.I yelled at her in the middle of the store and stormed off. I got lost trying to find the exit and ended up calling my mom crying. And the last week of school we didn't say a word. We would just stare at eachother in the hall and i would get a sick feeling in my stomach.

My mom bought the cottage to let me cool off, when she found me in the mall, red eyes and snot running from my nose she freaked.

My brother Nate protested at first but when he found the triplets he was okay. But when i first met Matt i was officially in love. With matt. And he dosent love me. Never has.

" Earth to bells! Are you coming in?" Matt asks. Im laid on the raft, laid on my belly. The sun warming my back. " oh. Yeah." I say. I dropped my towel and jumped in. Matt smiles when my
Head bops up.

He steadies me by grabbing my arm and i pull it back instantly, my arm electric. " woah. Didn't mean to scare you." He laughs. I smile and sink under the water. God just let the ground swallow me up whole!

Its a week later when i have my first kiss. Mine and Nates parents head to dinner with the sturniolo's parents. Since the triplets live here full year round they invited a couple school friends. James was tall with shaggy brown hair and Micheal was short with black hair that was kept short and tidy. Micheal was bronze and had freckles like me in the summer. Delilah was small and she had cherry red hair. She was so pretty and my brother had been staring at her all night.

" truth or dare." Delilah screeched. I was watching matt and james play on the xbox. " ugh." Matt groaned. I smile and punch his shoulder. " come on, its a game." I smile. We sit in the middle of the living room in a circle and i cant really concentrate on anything else other than the fact that my knee is touching matts.

" Bells, truth or dare." Delilah asks. Ive picked truth the other two times so i decide to say "dare."

" i thought you were going to say truth." She laughs. I smile and she puts her finger on her chin. " umm.okay! Kiss matt." She giggles. I see her smack nicks leg. Fuck you Delilah. That day  i sworn to never be nice to her again. My cheeks turned red and i could feel my bangs get sweaty.

" nah man. Come on!" Matt groans. I look away and just awkwardly smile. " come on matt. Just kiss her." James says. Thank you james!

" no shes like my best-friend." He says. I laugh and the room turns awkward. " well if you wont kiss her i will." Chris smirks and leans across and brushes his lips on mine. It only lasts 7 seconds but it makes my stomach plunge and my heart beat erratically.

Matt just frowns and his knee moves. I hate truth or dare. God and i hate Delilah. But that night was the best night of my life. We were in the basement watching a movie when a kissing scene came up. I ran upstairs and got a glass of water. " im sorry. For not kissing you. Really." Matt says. He stands next to me and rests his hands on my face and brings his lips to mine. His lips are warm and im so in the moment that i dont even close my eyes. He pulls back and smile.

" I wanted to kiss you. Im sorry i didn't." He says. I forgot about chris after that and i never looked at him as my friend and i was so in love i couldn't see straight.

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