Forget me - matt.

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Its my birthday. 18. I wake up and the sun is shining but when i turn to my side matt isn't there. Maybe he's making me some breakfast? I smile and slide on my slippers and head downstairs. I see matt turned to the coffee pot and i sneak up and slide my arms around him.

" oh, hey! Your in a good mood." He smiles and passes me a cup of coffee. I kiss his cheek and sit on the sofa.

I dont see anything out of the ordinary. Last year matt made me breakfast and he had decorations downstairs, maybe something bigger is going on? Be patient y/n.

" im going to shower." I say and put my mug in the sink. " did you not want any breakfast." Matt asks. " ill have it after." I smile and head upstairs.

My stomach turns at the though of them forgetting my birthday. He couldn't could he? I mean no ones even said happy birthday. Thats the bare minimum at-least.

Around lunch the boys say were going out. Nick says we should do something fun. "The beach sounds fun?" I say. " ooh yeah." Nick agrees and heads to his room to get changed. I put on a bikini and grab my beach towel.

Its not to crowded and i head straight for the sea, pulling matt with me.

We splash in the sea for a little while until it gets cold so we decide to sit in the sun for a bit to warm up and dry off. I forget my AirPods so matt lends me one of his and i rest my head on his chest.

I wake up to being wrapped in a beach towel. Nothing was packed up but Matt, Nick and Chris weren't near me. They weren't here at all. They left me?

I call matt. " hey, where are you guys." I ask. " shit, so sorry, were getting food, give us 10 minutes. We thought we could get back before you wake up." He explains. It was like a punch to the gut. It was 2 in the afternoon and nothing special was happening. Maybe something was happening later, but id not been wished happy birthday all day and i didn't want to seem bratty but i hadn't gotten a single birthday present.

I got matt breakfast in bed and took him to play hockey with his friends and we had a birthday dinner with presents and cake. I made a cake. And i couldn't even get a Goodman happy birthday.

Fuck this. I deserve a good birthday. I pack up our things and put them in my car on the back seat. I drive to a bakery in town and get a cupcake. I open the pack of candles from Walmart and stab it in. " happy birthday." I say and blow it out.

I have 3 missed calls from matt when i pull into the driveway. I take a deep breath and head in with all the beach stuff.

" where were you, we were worried sick." Matt says. He brings me in for a hug and i dont wrap my arms around him. " whats wrong." He asks.

" is today some sort of sick joke? Genuine question. Cause its not funny." I say. They all look at each other confused.

" what? What do you mean." Matt asks. " ITS MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY." I yell and storm up to mine and matts room. I lay on the bed and my eyes start to prick with tears.

Matt storms in and wraps his arms around me. " im so sorry, i thought it was next week." He apologises. " nope, today." I say. I wrap my arms around him and let the tears stream down my face.

" happy birthday baby, im so sorry, im prepared. Just for next week." He says, a hint of a smirk on his face. He opens his closet door and a pile of presents fall to the floor. " happy birthday." He says. I smile.

" oh matt, i love you." I say and jump into his arms, he sits on the edge of his bed and i curl in his lap.

" im so sorry for making you think we didn't care. I love you so much, i dont think you will ever know how much i do. Your so beautiful and the best person. Im sorry." I say and he kisses each tear that falls down my face. I kiss him and hold his face in my hands. " thank you." I say.

I open my presents and he gets me a t shirt and some books and then theres a locket with a photo of us both in it. " matt." I cry out and he hugs me again.

" oh shit, its 7." He says. " get dressed i believe we owe you a birthday dinner." He smiles and i pick out a dress and i wear my new locket.

We all go out and the boys dont stop mentioning my birthday and how sorry they are. " there would be cake but i cant pick it up until next Wednesday. On your actual birthday." Nick jokes and i smile and swat his arm.

We get back and me and matt are laid in bed, i lay my head on his chest and he strokes my hair. " im so sorry baby, i love you." He whispers. " i know you do, i dont know why i ever doubted it." I say and tilt my head up to kiss his lips. He smiles and he kisses me until i fall asleep.

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