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After our pregnancy scare last year me and Chris have been stronger than ever. But I've missed my period by a week. We got married last year and its been the best thing on earth. I thought being boyfriend and girlfriend was the best it could get but chris as my husband has been on another level.

Chris is on a computer meeting with his team for fresh love. I text him im going to the store not to disturb him. I get a couple pregnancy tests and of course to make me obsessed i have to pass the baby isle to get to the checkouts.

Chris calls me and asks where i am. " im literally checking out now. How was your meeting?" I ask. " it was good. Ill talk to you when you get back." He says. " okay love you. See you in 10." I say. I hang up and head back home.

Hes sat on the sofa and i swallow the bile rising in my throat and sit next to him. " umm, chris." I say. " yes baby." He says. " i went to buy pregnancy tests. Im a week late for my period. But i dont want to get ahed of myself.

" okay, well whatever happens. I love you and it will be okay." He says. I go and take both tests and they both say positive. " WERE PREGNANT!" I exclaim and i rush into the living room and chris opens his arms and i jump into his arms.

" oh my god. I love you." He says. He kisses me and tears are forming in both our eyes. " there will be 3 of us!" I exclaim and he kisses me and i dont want to stop kissing him.

" im gonna call my parents." I say. " me too. I need to call my brothers." He says, i take my phone out and call my mom. She answers and is so happy. " oh my god, im coming over tomorrow." She insists and i smile and tell her i love her.

I overhear Chris on the phone to his brothers. " congrats Chris!" Nick exclaims and matt is smiling. " im so exited. Alright, ill call you later. I need to call mom." He says. They all say goodbye and hang up.

Delivery day:

" Okay one last push." The nurse calls and i scream. Chris is holding my hand and has my water bottle in his hand. " your doing so well baby. There almost here." He coos. " shes here." The nurse calls and i sigh and my head flops against the pillow.

" oh my god, shes so beautiful. You did so well. You okay?" Chris says. " i need to hold her." I say. The nurse passes my daughter to me and i kiss her cheek.

" ill tell everyone." He smiles and kisses me before leaving the room. " you got a good one." The nurse smiles. They clean her off and wrap her up. They get me ready for people to come in.

" whats her name." Mary Lou asks while shes in absolute awe of her. "Lilly sturniolo." We both say. Chris smiles at Lilly pulling funny faces. " shes amazing." Chris says. I kiss him and there it is. Our little family of 3.

1 year later:

I walk back into our house from grocery shopping and i walk in to see Chris and Lilly on the sofa watching Frozen. Lilly is in a Elsa dress and Chris is buried in toys.

" she has you wrapped around her little finger." I joke. He laughs and comes over to me. He helps me unpack the shopping. " i think you were destined to be a girl dad." I smile.

" me too." He agrees and kisses me. We laugh and Lilly laughing at the tv. " shes so cute." I say. We both just stand there in awe of her.

@y/n - with my babies.

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@y/n - A summer with my family i will never forget

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@y/n - A summer with my family i will never forget. I love you all!

Comments - 1.9k

@Chrissturniolo - love u both!!
Reply - @y/n - love you baby!! <3

@nicolassturniolo- MY FAV NEICE!
Reply - @Chrissturniolo- ur only neice?
Reply - @y/n - for now 😝

@mattsturniolo - i love Lilly!
Liked by creator.

@Marylou - Summer was a blast! Love my babies x

@sturniolofan- SO CUTE!

@katie- milf????
Reply - @y/n - you heart it hear guy!
Liked by 278 users.

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