chapter 15: Waging war

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Mackenzie Rosita Prime POV

I woke up to feel Optimus shaking me. "Sweetie. Come on Wake up." He told me. I got up. I sniffled. "You okay?" He asked. I nodded. "Probably just a stuffy nose." I mumbled. He felt my forehead. "Well, you're not sick. Probably just a small cold. 

I was standing beside Optimus's holoform. He stood next to Negan. "Think it was them?" Optimus asked Negan. "Crossed my mind. We got a plan 'B'." Negan informed him Optimus nodded. My dragons were behind me. "If I might be so bold... this unexpected stoppage has given me the chance for an exhaustive mull. Now, given the loaded circumstances and potential for casualties and resource expenditure, I was wondering if you would give me the opportunity to attempt to slow their jets and cool their rolls." Eugene sai to Negan.

He smirked. 

 I was in Optimus's truck. I saw my dragons flying around. 

They were about the blow the place up when it didn't happen. Suddenly the garbage people pointed their guns at everyone. 

I got out of Optimus's truck and Pickle dropped down behind me. She growled at the people around me. Me and Optimus had a good plan. 

Optimus then grabbed my arm. "No matter what happens... Stay with Ironhide. He's got orders to keep you no matter what!" He told me. I nodded. 

The gunfire then started. "NOW!"

Optimus transformed and he started firing at the Saviors. I jumped on Pickle's back and she roared. She jumped up into the air. The other dragons followed us. 

Pickle growled as she landed on one of the houses. Rhagar and Raego landed on the other ones. I heard Michonne's voice. 

Pickle growled as she bent down. She then grabbed the girl on top of her. She then dropped her over the edge. She dropped. I then saw Predaking behind us. 

I saw Megatron raise his cannon to Optimus's helm. "Now!"

Predaking charged. Suddenly something else scared Negan. Megatron turned. 


Al three of my dragons charged. Predaking tackled Megatron and roared in his face. Predaking threw Megatron then he got in a protective stance in front of Optimus. 

My dragons fired at the men. 

One guy went for Rick and Pickle landed on him. She roared and fired her blast. 

She burned a lot of Saviors alive. My other two followed her command. 

I then saw Ironhide and the other 'Bots firing at the Saviors and the garbage people. 


My dragons flew to the gates. 

They roared as we saw the Saviors leaving. They fired their breaths and it was useless. Everyone got to the gates but the others were firing at us. My dragons fired at them and they ran for it. 

I got back to where Michonne was. I then saw her. "Michonne!"

She saw me. "Hey... Was that your dragon that saved me?" She asked. I smiled. I nodded. "Still remembers you all." I giggled. 

She smiled. 

Picke then managed to fit through the door. She sniffed Michonne. I saw Rick and Carl. They looked at me. "She killed the other girl. They still remember you guys." I said. 

Rick sighed in relief. He then hugged Michonne. 

I smiled. 

I was out in the woods with Jesus and Maggie. 

Rhagar then growled. I felt the tears weld up. I started crying. We found Sasha's walker. Jesus took care of her. 

Maggie hugged me and we both cried on each other. 

Me and Optimus got inside the infirmary. I saw mom was shot. "Mommy!" I got over to her and she saw me. "Hey, Kenzie." I smiled. I hugged her careful of her shoulder and she kissed my head.

I smiled. She saw Optimus and he sighed and held her hand. Mom smiled. She then fell asleep. Optimus sat on the bed making sure no one hurt her again. 

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