Chapter 20: A promise to keep

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Mackenzie Rosita Prime POV

I was laying on the couch in the room Rick was in. He wanted to keep an eye on me ever since I tried to kill myself. Rick glanced at Carl's hat and I could see the sadness on his face. "Come on. We're going somewhere." Rick told me. 

I nodded. 

Me and Rick were in the woods trying to find the saviors when we heard a sound. We saw a lot of walkers. I sighed. We turned and saw Morgan. "Morgan. Morgan. Morgan, hey. You know me." Rick said attempting to calm him down. 

"Rick... I'm not right." Rick put his pistol away. "Maybe-- Maybe you shouldn't be out--" Rick tried. "Hey, I'm not going anywhere." He told Rick. 

"You're out here for them. Me, too. I brought Kenzie here as well." Rick said and pointed to me. Morgan saw me. "Then, we finish it, you, me, and Kenzie. I saw this note on her bed."

Rick handed it to Morgan and he read it. He turned to me. "She tried it and I stopped her. One of them left it. We're killing them!"

I followed Rick and Morgan. We saw a chopped off leg and arm near a car. I turned and was hit. 

I opened my eyes and I winced as I opened my eyes and it was blurry. "We had to get off the road, out of the forest, and still... maybe we didn't do it in time." One of the guys said. "Maybe they don't look so hot 'cause we hacked part of them off. We're not just gonna leave them here." 

"Look at them. They're dead already." Another one snapped. "He's right. They knew the rules. You pooch it, nobody carries you."

"After everything we've been through?" A man asked. "Things are shaky, man. Let's not--"

"Look, we got the rules so somebody goin' down don't take the rest of us with them. Case in point. We could've been halfway home by now."

"How long were we out?" Rick whispered to Morgan. "Just long enough to end up here." He said. 

"Say we make it. Huh? What then?" A man snapped. 

"He's right, Jared. What do we got waiting for us back there? Maybe we go our own way, be done with the Saviors."

They continued to talk and they noticed me and Rick awake and announced they were delivering us to Negan. I got scared. "Rise and shine, Curly. You ready to do some walkin'? Yeah. Of course you are." Jared said. 

I then turned to Rick. "Guagliò is bring a herd here. I used my radio and contacted him!" I told Rick. He looked at me. I nodded. 

"Wait! My truck's not far. We can get 'em to the Hilltop's doctor. They could come back with us. You all could. You didn't want this. You made a split-second choice, and you chose wrong, but it's not too late. You cut us loose, you cooperate... we'll give you a fresh start." Rick offered. "A chance to become part of our community, to become one of us. I'm giving you my word. There's not a lot that's worth much these days, but a man's word... that's gotta mean somethin', right?" Rick asked. 

Everyone hesitated. Jared looked around. "You asshats aren't dumb enough to believe that." Jared snapped. 

"We can hear him out. W-We can talk it over." One of the men said. "Thing is, there isn't time for that. There's a herd out there, close, probably headed this way. You're all gonna need to make a choice, and it's gonna have to be now." Rick said. 

Rick slammed his hand on the table. "Wake up, everybody! There isn't any herd. There isn't any 'deal' waiting back at Hilltop. You think these asswipes came here to save us? They came here for blood. Kenzie came because she wants to die. I told her to kill herself because she needs to. She's worthless, she's a bitch, and she doesn't matter." I tensed. 

"You know, you're right. We came here to do what we were supposed to. To kill every last one of you." I stated. Jared pointed his gun at my face. I smiled. 

"You should save your bullets because you're gonna need 'em. That herd, it is coming. Maybe you'll hear the moans or the coughs, you know? Maybe they'll just stumble in through the open walls, but they are comin'. And when after you're just torn skin and stuff they didn't eat... Well, that'll be a damn shame. Because then they'll be nothing of you left for us to kill." I said antagonizing them. 

"We're done. Let's dump 'em and bounce. I want a sandwich." Jared snapped annoyed. "See? It doesn't change. It never changes. And we don't die. I don't. Nobody dies! BECAUSE EVERYBODY TURNS! HEY! EVERYBODY TURNS!" I yelled loudly. 

Jared pointed his gun at me. "Hey! What are you doing? You kill her and the Prime comes for us!" 

We then heard the walkers. 

"Walkers!" One yelled. "We're surrounded."

"Thing is, we've already killed you." Rick stated. "Some coming in!"

The walkers flooded in. I smirked. "You're too weak to take on this herd alone. Cut us loose. Give us our weapons. We can help you!" Rick offered. "No! Nobody's cutting anybody loose! I'm killing these pricks right now." Jared fumbled with his gun when someone knocked him aside the head. 

The other guys cut us loose and I was handed my sword. I caught it and started to shoot the walkers along with Rick. 

Rick looked at me and nodded. 

I grabbed my sword and hit the guy in his neck with it. He dropped. I sliced at the walkers.

Some guy tackled me. "Bitch."

Rick grabbed the man and threw him to the walkers. Morgan ran after Jared. 

I walked over to a guy that was somehow still alive. "You said... You said--"

"We lied." I stated. "I didn't... We could've... We could've lived... after."

I pointed my pistol. "After this." I then shot him in the head. 

I got up. 

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