Chapter 8: Helping and kidnapped

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Mackenzie Rosita Prime POV

I was getting ready for bed and I winced as I was struggling to pull on my t-shirt. I heard a knock and saw Guarlio. "Need help?" I nodded. "Please?"

He helped me with the shirt. "Sorry. I have a bad injury on my back." He nodded. I was starting to show a bump. 

"I can be in the perimeter. Keeping watch." I said. Guarlio nodded. "I'd rather you not go either way but-" I saw Mom come in and she looked upset. "Mom? What's wrong?" I asked. 

"Abraham broke up with me..." She said starting crying. I hugged her and she cried on me. 

I sighed. 

I was going with Maggie

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I was going with Maggie. Dragonstorm was coming with us. I saw Mom. "Be careful, sweetie." I nodded. "I will." I said. She kissed my forehead. I smiled. We were checking the perimeter first. 

Carol saw Optimus and Guarglio walking up. "Why is Kenzie here?" Carol asked him. "Because she's guarding the perimeter with Maggie and Dragonstorm." Optimus said. 

"Yeah, but why is she here?" Carol snapped. "Because she's my daughter and... Are you saying I'm being a bad father for letting her come?" Optimus snapped at Carol. "You are. She's pregnant with your child-"

"Because it was a sacrifice to protect her." Optimus snapped coldly. "I'm going out there with them."

"This whole thing is a race to the armory. We need as many people as we can get." Optimus said. "She shouldn't be out there alone. She shouldn't be out there in the first place" She snapped. Optimus scoffed. He walked off. 

Optimus punched the walker's head and put it down. The guy stared at him. "What?" He snapped. 

"The Saviors they're scary but... this prick's got nothing on you." Optimus scoffed. 

I was standing in perimeter when an alarm went off. "They're in trouble. Stay here." Carol ordered. "I'm coming with you." I said. 

"I said stay here."


"DAMN IT, KENZIE!" Carol grabbed my arm. "I have to-"

"No, you don't. You don't have to." She snapped. "Yes, I do-"

"What the hell are you doing out here?" She asked. "What am I supposed to do?" I asked. 

"You're supposed to be someone else." She yelled. I flinched. "You are staying here." She snapped. I glared at her. 

Optimus walked over to Rosita. "What is it?"

"Just... wanted to know which one of them was Negan." Rosita admitted. Optimus looked at her. Suddenly there was a motorcycle engine.


Rosita shot at the man. 

He fell off the motorcycle. Daryl then tackled the man. He punched him twice. "WHERE'D YOU GET THE BIKE?!"

Guagliò pointed his pistol. "DO IT! HUH! JUST LIKE YOU KILLED EVERYONE ELSE?!"

::Lower your gun, Prick.:: Guaglio looked around. ::You with the glock. All of you lower your weapons right now.:: The radio said. Optimus picked it up. 

"Come on, out. Let's talk." The Prime said. ::We're not coming out but we will talk. I have a Carol, a Maggie, A Kenzie. I'm assuming that's what you want to talk about?:: Optimus felt rage fill him. 

Someone had his pregnant daughter. 

Suddenly Dragonstorm growled angrily. I turned and saw a man running at us with his gun out. I pulled out pistol and Carol shot him in the arm. He dropped. 

Maggie ran over. "Damn it, Maggie. Let's go!" I hissed. "Not until it's finished." Maggie growled. "Stop! Or she's dead." A woman said. I tensed. She put it to my head. 

"Guns, knives, on the ground right now."

Suddenly Dragonstorm roared angrily. "Tell that beast to back off." She told me. I refused to speak. "Now!"

She hit my back and I felt terrible pain from it. "Dragonstorm. It's okay, buddy." All three heads turned to me. "Go on."

Dragonstorm growled. 

He then flew off. 

Love in the dark! (Sequel to Broken on the floor)Where stories live. Discover now