chapter 1- the killing

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"Lily! Take harry and go! run! i'll hold him off" uttered james potter as the wards were broken. him and his wife were completely petrified as albus had told them they were perfectly safe. He whispered a curse under his breath as he thought back to the argument that had blown up earlier that afternoon

"We have reason to believe that Lord Voldemort is going to try to kill Harry this evening" the old goat had said,as calmly as if he was discussing the weather. James remembered feeling annoyed at the dark lord and dumbledore , angry and then scared as he realised what exactly had just been said. Before he could think he was on his feet telling lily 

"get harry's things lil, we will leave for the Black  Estate immediately! I am not staying here in Godric's  hollow where the only real  protection is a fidelity charm!"

Dumbledore frowned "why must you flee to Black's place every time you get worried? I thought potters were braver than this, not to mention that the Blacks are a notorious dark family" 

James was completely fuming! How dare dumbledore  talk about his best friend like that, everyone knows that Sirius had never been one to go with the family traditions, the main proof was that he was a Gryffindor, and not only that but he had a neutral core as well. And to insult him and lily like that was more than he could take. He whipped out his wand, ready to apparate to Black Manor and get away from this manipulative old coot. Before he could do so however, Dumbledore pulled out his wand too and pointed it at ...lily? Everything after that was mostly a blur but he dimly remembered agreeing blindly that godric's hollow was much safer and that he would remain there and be safe.

He blinked coming back into consciousness, as he shot a Stupefy  at the hooded figure who crept closer menacingly , blocking his spell with a wave of his hand . 

Voldemort, for it was he, laughed at the Potter's desperate attempts to protect his son, you know what they say, once a gryffindor.....  He shot the killing curse at Potter and laughed when he fell to the floor dead. A shriek came from upstairs where lily Potter's soulmate bond had clearly self destructed. A part of him was a little sorry for her as he well knew the pain of losing your soulmate but he quickly pushed it down and glided upstairs where Lily was bent over a red and gold cot in the corner.

He laughed, parents being so predictable but he was prepared to offer her a chance as Severus had requested

"Give me the boy" he hissed " give me the boy and you will be spared" 

"No, please no! Take me instead, take me instead! Just don't kill Harry" she sobbed

However he spared no pity for her as all he had promised Severus was to give her a chance, well he had given her a chance and she chose death, so die she must . 

Stepping over her dead body he walked to the cot, the boy inside it looked back, his eyes more killing curse green than anything, in fact the colour was so strong he nearly took a step back before remembering the boy was merely 1, there was no way he had magic already, surely....

He licked his lips before raising his wand high above the boy

                                                            "Avada Kedavra!"

(A/n short chapter to start, don't worry they will get longer later....)


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