Chapter 6- The Removal

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When Asmodeus had explained, there was silence for a few seconds before Octavia hissed dangerously

"You are telling me that there is a SOUL in Harry's head?"

Asmodeus nodded. She then swung her head around to glare furiously at Alastor and, spitting every syllable, yelled


"Now now princess, it's not that simple-"

"Then make it simple!" Loona growled, her fur standing on end

"Well now, I would, but it's going to hurt. A lot" said the Demon, his signature grin gone for once

"W-what's going to hurt?" Whispered Harry from where he was curled in the Sin's feathers

Everyone exchanged sad looks before Millie quietly said "There's a bad magic in your head Harry, we want to take it out but it will hurt you"

"A bad magic? I don't want it in my head.. I don't mind pain that much? you could get rid of it"

Stolas looked at Via , watching as she shook her head but then said "I don't want to hurt Harry but I'd rather he be hurt now when we can heal it than him be possessed when he's older"

Slowly, Moxxie, Millie , Blitz and Asmodeus all nodded then Loona did the same even though she looked like she would be sick

Charlie glanced at Alastor and sighed, looking vicious "When I find the person who put this in Harry's head I will murder them but until then? I think removing it is best"

"Don't worry, I will try to make the process as pain free as possible. Charlie, I believe there are ritual rooms in the basement? We will need to use one of them. Oh, I don't suppose you have any feathers lying around?"

Stolas rolled his eyes , pulled a long gray feather from his head and handed it to the Demon whose permanent grin dropped ever so slightly, almost as if he had hoped for someone else's. But soon that was gone and he continued

"Thank you, now, Downstairs! Bring the child"

The group all proceded down a spiral staircase in the corner. Down and down they went until they stopped at a door. Alastor walked through and everyone else followed. Just before she walked in the door, Via turned to Charlie and asked

"What's down there?" Pointing to the stairs that continued down.

"Something. We don't really know for sure" As if to agree with her words a long glowing tentacle snaked up the stairs towards them before quickly retreating as Charlie shot a zap of fire at it.

When they were all in the ritual room, Asmodeus quietly reassured a nervous Harry and handed him gently to Alastor as the Demon shooed everyone into a small viewing gallery where they could see the space cleared.

Alastor sent a burst of flames at Stolas's feather so it turned black. His eyes then turned to radio dials and the air around him started to crackle and darken. Red symbols began to appear and hover near him as the feather leapt into the air and started painting patterns on the stone floor. His antlers became more visible and long black static threads filled the air.  Soon an enormous pattern of Runes, Voodoo veve and Hieroglyphic symbols covered the floor, apart from a five pointed star that was in the exact center.

Alastor placed Harry in the star and flicked his finger so that the feather painted more symbols on the boy's forehead surrounding his scar. Then he began to chant in Latin. The room began to glow gray and all the symbols lit up.

Asmodeus looked at Harry when the symbols shone brighter, at first glance the ritual didn't seem to be affecting the small boy but when the Sin looked closer it was clear that he was in pain and trying, quite successfully, to hide it.

Alastor's chanting grew louder and seemed to echo around the room until it was pierced by a loud scream that sounded like two people at once! Looking at Harry, they could see an inky black substance with blue threads pooling out of his scar and beginning to form into the shape of a snake before the Demon's red symbols surrounded it and lifted it into the air before , in a large burst of fire, the blackness vanished.

Alastor lifted the, now silent, boy off the floor and handed him to an anxious Octavia as she came running over.

"Are you OK Harry? Does it hurt?"

"The bad magics went and then the pain went too" The boy whispered quietly, putting a hand to his scar which had somehow turned silver.

"Phew, that's good then. Do you think you could walk back up or do you want me to carry you?" She asked.

Asmodeus, Charlie, Loona, Blitz, Moxxie, Millie and Stolas had gathered around them while Alastor seemed to be incinerating the feather used to draw the symbols onto the floor.

"I need to sleep soon" said Harry in a hazy voice, he looked exhausted but also better than he had earlier


"The darkness has gone from his scar, as have what I think were bindings, but he has just participated in a very powerful and complex ritual so I would be surprised if he didn't need to rest."

"All right then, we should probably return to the I.M.P offices and work out what we do next. " Stolas said as the others nodded their heads

"OK, it's probably best if you come back in a few days so I can check none of that disgusting taint remains." The princess of Hell stated firmly.

Asmodeus nodded "We will try to do that. Thank you for the assistance Alastor, it is"
Here the Sin paused, thinking. After a brief pause he said, almost as if it pained him to do so,
"much appreciated"

"Any time" the Demon grinned "I am always happy to remove such horrible things from people, after all, how is someone supposed to earn their own place in Hell-" He was fixed with a murderous gaze from Charlie and quickly changed his words "I mean to say, how is someone supposed to reform themselves if they are being affected by a Horcrux? "

"How indeed" drawled Stolas as he strutted over to the door "We will take our leave now, thanks Charlie, Goodbye."

The group walked out the door and up the stairs, hastily followed by Charlie.

Alastor laughed as he snapped his fingers and the rest of the drawings vanished "Anyone would think they didn't trust me" He smiled showing his pointed fangs

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