The Aftermath

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There was a blinding flash of light. Through the windows, the crowd gathered inside the Hazbin Hotel could see Hari fall to the ground. Behind him, in the distance, thousands of angels were arriving, most streaking directly towards the Hotel.

Everyone was frozen in shock. There was something unreal about the scene. There was a sickly, unhealthy silence. The first thing to break it was Alastor's antlers growing and growing, filling almost all of the space. Shadow tendrils broke loose and tugged at the air. The Radio Demon's shadow was projected onto the wall, but it held no smile. It was silently snarling, its antlers growing in mimicry of Alastor's. It reached a hand forward, trying to break out of its 2-D realm.

Like a prompt, despite nobody moving a step, they all reacted. Vaggie gripped her spear, her teeth bared in wrath.

Charlie was in her demon form, her hair crackling with lightning energy.

Mimzy was growling, a low, inhuman sound.

Angel was mindlessly loading a gun.

Husk's eyes were glowing insanely bright and his claws were so sharp they sliced through the wood of the counter.

Cap glowered, his fists clenched so tightly his nails drew blood; his gang simultaneously pulled out shotguns, their fingers rigid on the triggers.

Niffty somehow held five daggers, her teeth now razor sharp.

Rosie seemed to have mutated, a savage, vicious expression of visceral, animal fury painted on her face, her eyes filled with shadows that spilled out like tears and cloaked her in darkness.

Cherri held aloft bombs, her eye now containing twisting, blood red fire in place of an iris or pupil.

Pentious's hood flared, his forked tongue flickering in anger.

Septimus muttered a concentric sting of curses under his breath, wild magic swirling around him uncontrollably.

Across all of Hell, the internet crashed as Velvette dissolved into glitching pixels and reformed on repeat.

Even Vox and Valentino, despite not knowing Hari well, were affected. Electricity sparked and curled around Vox as Pentagram City darkened; Valentino spread his wings to their full size, his eyes turned sheer, blinding pink.

Suddenly, startling them all out of their daze, everyone (apart from Charlie and Vaggie) experienced a sudden, burning pain on their right shoulder. Almost in sync, all the Sinners' hands went to the burn and felt- nothing? The burn was located so that they couldn't see it, so everybody looked at someone else's.

The burn was, in fact, a black tattoo. Curling antlers stretched on top of an intricate heart of fire. Charlie took one look at it and gasped, pressing her hands to her mouth. Silver tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"Babe? What's wrong?"

"Hari... The protective idiot.." She shuddered.

"What did he do?"

"You-you know Angels can't hurt Chosen?"

It felt weirdly intrusive, but everyone in the room was listening intently anyway.

"As in, they're physically unable to, not just a choice? Well, Chosen can make demons into Protected by, essentially, giving the demon some of their magic, but they couldn't just do, say, all of Hell, the amount of demons they can Protect depends on the Chosen's magic. One demon wouldn't affect them much, but" She paused, and scanned the room, mentally counting. "29 demons, when the Chosen is already drained from mass telepopping, w-would-" Charlie broke off, visibly distraught.

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