Cherri Bomb

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Cherri strolled into the Hazbin Hotel with a bomb in her hand as usual. She looked around for Angel, and found him walking up and down, while on his phone talking to someone and laughing occasionally.

"Angie baby! Who are you seducing?"

The porn star laughed. "Matter of fact, Cherie, I'm not seducing anybody."

Her expression must have been shocked as the spider rolled his eyes and added "I'm talking to my nephew."

Cherri blinked. Blinked again. Before leaping into the air and practically screaming "I'm an aunt? OhMyDevil I'm an aunt!!! Wait.. I'm an aunt?? How am I an aunt??? Angie, how are you an Uncle??? You don't have any siblings, do you? "

"Well, when I say nephew... Hari, pop here would you?"

Pop? What in Hell does he mean by pop? Suddenly, there was an audible 'pop' and a young deer demon with wide green eyes, turquoise and black hair and a sharp toothed, excited grin appeared in a flash of light.

"I'm Hari!" he said. "Ozzie's Chosen! I have loads and loads and loads of family! Ten uncles, four cousins and apparently now six aunts!"

The cyclops blinked once more. "When you say Ozzie.."

"Yep, he's talking about Asmodeus. Roll with it, sugar tits"

"Nice! OK then, I'm an aunt. Oh! If I'm your aunt, then you have another uncle!"

"you have a boyfriend" - "I have 11 uncles?"

"Yep and Yep! He's called Sir Pentious. He used to be my 'arch rival' but now we're dating."

"Wicked! Anyway, I've got to skedaddle, it's about time for me to chat with Uncle Lucy. Bye Uncle Angel, Aunt.. "


"Bye Aunt Cherri!"

And with the same pop as before, he vanished."I'll be off then, Angie-"

"Oh no, no, no, no. You sit right down here, 'Miss Bomb' and tell me all about how and, more importantly, why, you are dating the Snake?"

"Angie, he has two dicks. What else can I say? Sure, he's cute, and funny, and smart, and he's so..."

"Sugar tits, you are down bad!"

"Hey! I'm nothing of the sort! I'm with him for the sex, understand? The sex. Can you say the same about Grumpy Puss?"

"I-You-that is-I mean-Husk-we're not-"

"Yeah, but you wish you were, don't you? Anyway, I'll give you a break, tell me how in the Seven Rings of this Infernal Pit you became the uncle of Asmodeus's devildamned Chosen!?!?!"

Angel sighed dramatically. "My friend, it is a long and twisted tale beginning with three imps, a Prince of the Ars and a hellhound..."


Hope you enjoyed! I've just changed a bit of The Negotiations so now Chosen have to be chosen before they're 14, instead of 10. 



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