Chapter 8 -Negotiations

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A/n - essentially the hazbin canon this will follow is Alastor's rivalry with Vox, the existence of the Vs, and the pilot episode. Nothing else. ((oh and the Exterminations do happen but only every 49 years. (Seven×seven) ))

Lucifer was having a Really Bad Day.
If he ever had to sit through one of Adam's songs again, he would do the impossible and find a way to kill angels!

Then, on top of that, the Radio Demon was back. At first he had a plan to thank him as he had cut the signal of Hell , causing Adam's hologram to stutter and vanish but then , unfortunately, the self-confident egotistical bitch just arrived on his doorstep and didn't leave for 4 hours.

Oh! Not to mention Extermination Day had been yesterday and 3 of his best, most prideful demons had been killed! Thanks to this, he was now lacking a competent assistant. If it had been possible, he would have resigned and let his siblings fight for the throne of Hell.

He sighed, slumping back in his chair but then sitting back up as, sadly, Sloth was Bel's domain.
Just then , someone knocked on his door . Groaning undetectably, he called

Stambling though the door came his latest assistant, Elsie? Eliza? Esme? Something like that...

"Er, um , well, if you will excuse me - er-" Edith? Maybe Ella? Stuttered

"Well? Get on with it!"

"Of course, er, well... It's your brother. Sir" Ezra? Etie? Said nervously

Great. That was all he needed. One of his irritating brothers come to irk him. Fantastic.

"I doubt you managed to find out which ?" Some were minutely more tolerable than others. At least Bee had been ruled out, he really couldn't deal with her today.

"A-actually I did sir.. it's Asmodeus." Esie muttered quietly

Phew. Ozzie was mostly better than some of the others, Mammon for example ...

"Send him in then" Lucifer said, although he couldn't think what in hell his brother wanted from him.

"Lucy! Long time no see"

"Ozzie! It's been ages" he replied.

His jovial mood towards his brother slid rapidly downward the second he noticed what was sitting around Ozzie's feathered neck.

"Asmodeus. Tell me that is not a human"

"Ah.... about that.. Harry, this is your uncle Lucy. Lucifer, this is your nephew Harry." The Sin grinned

"Hello Uncle Lucy!" The human, apparently named Harry, smiled.

Yep, his (mostly) content mood was well and truly gone.
"Asmodeus... Why? We cannot have a Human in Hell, everyone would go mad!"
To his absolute shock, his brother agreed.

"Oh.. Well, of course you're right..I'll take him back... it's only... No, it's nothing. Never mind"

Now, against his better judgement, he was curious.
" What? "

"Oh, it's nothing really, it's just.. I thought Adam would be really pissed if we had such a special human in hell, where he can't get at him"

"Special?" He enquired, the kid didn't look like much

"Yes. Everyone- Well, everyone important at least, knows he defeated an extremely powerful Dark Lord when he was one. There's even rumors that there might be a prophesy about him"

Prophesies were prized, even if you didn't believe in them or listen to them , to have one about you means you are very important. For a child so young to have one....

"Piss Adam off, you say?" The angelic bastard deserved some comeuppance for the, quite literal, song and dance he had put him through earlier

"Oh, yes. Annoy him immensely." His brother stated

"I approve completely! The- Harry may stay. Have you Chosen him yet?"

(At any one point, any of the Sins can choose a human child to protect, that child then becomes their Chosen after a particular ritual.

Chosen humans can visit Hell any time,
they are supposed to spread their Sin's, well, sin when they reach majority but that is not required.

Most end up in Hell by the time they die anyway.

It is very rare for a Choosing to happen, especially as the Sins cannot visit earth much and the human in question must be under 14 years of age and commit the ritual knowingly and willingly.

Due to that it has been so long since there has been a Chosen that most have forgotten that they can exist.

The other thing about a Chosen is that no angel or other celestial (cherubs, cupids etc) can do anything to them (or any humans or demons under their protection) either with malicious/ damaging intent or otherwise.)

"Not yet, I was just making sure you'd agree for him to stay in Hell before doing the ritual itself" Ozzie replied before pulling a large bunch of paperwork from.... somewhere on his person and plonking it down on his desk. "Now, if you'll just sign here, here and here? . . . Thank you"

The contract had been basic, a declaration that
'I, Lucifer Morningstar, Origin of all Evil, Leader of the Rebellion against Heaven, Deadly Sin of Pride and Ruler of all Hell',
agree to
'Hadrian Lily Potter'
residing in Hell for as long as he desires with intent to become the Chosen and Protected of
'Asmodeus Morningstar, Second Commander of Hell's legions in the Rebbelion against Heaven, Deadly Sin of Lust, Ruler of the Lust ring'.

After he had signed the pages, Ozzie leapt up, waved his hand to duplicate the contract, scooped up the original (presumably returning it to where it came) and, just before he got to the door , turned back
"Thanks Lucy! You won't regret it. Ciao!"
"Bye-bye Uncle Lucy"
And Ozzie sauntered out, tail swishing, and the kid who was apparently his 'nephew' perched happily on his shoulder.

"You know you'll have to call a meeting of the Sins, right Ozzie?" He called after his departing brother who, as per usual, ignored him.

He sighed and grabbed his phone from his pocket
"Bee? There's going to be a meeting of the Sins in .. 2 weeks. Be there."
He repeated the call with Mammon, Levi, Bel, and Sat and , under his breath, muttered "surely they can't get into too much trouble in 2 weeks.... surely"

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! How much trouble can a Sin and a Human get into in two weeks? You'll have to wait and see



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