Chapter 2-the abandonment

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3 year old Harry Potter wakes up to a banging on his cupboard door. It has been nearly 2 years since Dumbledore had dumped him with the Dursleys 'for the greater good'. Unfortunately for Dumbledore, Harry had a near photographic memory although thanks to the Dursleys he considered it a dream... well mostly.... He knows that he had parents and could have stayed with his godfather if it wasn't for this dumb-ass-dore who had supposedly meddled in his life too much, however he didn't know anything about the magical world

"WAKE UP BRAT" screamed Petunia Dursley as he uncurled himself from the tight ball he had to curl up in to fit in the old, dusty and spidery cupboard that was his room.

He called back "I'm coming Aunt Petunia" quickly squeezing out of the small door and blinking at his aunt, uncle and 4 yr old cousin, all who wore evil grins on their faces as they studied Harry maliciously

"As you know it's my little duddykins's birthday today and so for his present we are getting rid of you! You are a freak you shouldn't be able to talk as much as you can  at 2! Not to mention the other things.. We are finally getting rid of you to make more space for my ikkle baby duddy-poo!" Petunia smirked,

Vernon adding "We are going to dump you in a wood and hope for the worst"

Poor Harry was scared out of his mind! He however knew there was no point in arguing as he'd just get beaten with Vernon's cane.

The car pulled up in a deserted forest where a large house lurked around the corner. The house looked nice and Harry had hope that he could get to there quickly and maybe find help?

Uncle vernon caught Harry's look and proceeded to dull any hopes with saying "friends of ours live there, you'll be dead before you get in the fence" As if to confirm Vernon's words, gunshots rung out from the forest in a blaze of purple light

Harry was only 3 but he was pretty sure guns didn't make purple light...

Before he could think any more he was quite brutally shoved into the forest as his uncle pulled a knife from the car. Right now anything sounded better than staying with the Dursleys so he ran into the wood as quickly as possible hoping he could find a way to escape somewhere.

He stumbled through the forest not seeing the dursley's evil smirks as they jumped into the car and drove off, instead just wanting to find a way out of this hell. More gunshots rang overhead seeming to come closer! Harry wished it was all a nightmare but in his heart he knew the truth. His uncle and aunt had left him to die for no reason apart from him being his mother's son...

Blitz had been having a really bad day today. 

First he had argued with stolas, the bird-brain seemed to not understand anything that he said, clearly only wanting the imp to fuck him and soon. Then he had to deal with their annoying client jabbering on about revenge blah blah evil bitch blah blah I will kill her blah blah blah! I mean SHUT THE FUCK UP bitch!! Then, after agreeing to kill this whole boring family he had to yell at moxxie for being soft! he was literally crying about killing a "poor,innocent family with children" And now, due to moxxie's incapability, he was running away from this "poor, innocent family" who had GUNS and were shooting at them! Yes even the children!!!! He was going to have to have a serious talk with moxxie when they got back to Hell...

Moxxie breathed a sigh of relief as he made it to the clearing where loona had opened the portal for them. He had messed up big time and knew he would be in serious trouble when they returned to Hell, however was more concerned about escaping these lunatics first. He skidded to a halt, Blitz right behind him as he spotted a small child standing there looking very scared and confused. His heart immediately went out to the poor kid, he and Millie couldn't have kids though he always wanted one and he had fallen in love with the boy already.. He snapped around hearing his wife call

"Come on Mox! We have to get out of here! Wait.... What's that??"

Before he could beg her to let him take the boy, Blitz shouted "Oy lovebirds! Get a fucking move on! Stolas will kill me if I die in the human realm!"

Before interrupting himself as he said very firmly " No. Just no. Don't you DARE try to smuggle a human child into Hell! It would.... Why are you looking at me like that? Moxxie, I'm warning you... Oh fuck you! Fine! On your own head be it!"

Moxxie's grin was paused when the little boy asked nervously " w-what are you?"

Blitz took a step towards him and stopped nervously when the boy screamed and hid behind a tree in fright.

Millie groaned annoyed "Sir! you're scaring him. Let me try" She walked over to the tree, stopping a metre or so away from him

"Hello little boy, I'm Millie! What's your name?" She enquired in a calm tone

The boy took a second before replying "I-I'm Harry"

"Well Harry, it's very nice to meet you. This is my husband Moxxie and our boss Blitz"

The boy nodded, seeming to relax a bit .

Millie added "You asked what we are yes? Well we're what is called imps; magic-"

Whatever she was about to say was interrupted by Harry curling into a ball and practically screaming at them "No! Magic isn't real!!! Vernon said!! He said magic was an evil lie!" He then sobbed flinching away from her

Millie sighed "I'm not sure what your guardian said but he might have been thinking of a different magic" she explained tactfully, recognising the trauma signs and trying to avoid them "Our magic is very fun if you use it carefully but it isn't evil"

Harry uncurled himself, muttering so quietly Millie could barely hear him "S-so he lied?"

Millie could have leapt for joy! Acceptance this young was a brilliant sign for improvement, she should know, it took Moxxie  nearly 20 years to accept that he wasn't a failure and his father was an asshole "Yes Harry, he may have lied"

"Oh" was all the boy could say before starting to think. A few seconds later he whispered "Can I stay with you? I don't want to be hurt anymore"

"O-Of course you can Harry! I have to warn you though, where we live has a lot of people like me"

"So imps?"

"Yeah ...imps and some others but there isn't many people like you" Millie said nervously

"Okie dokie then, you can just disguise me!" Harry said now grinning at the prospect of having someone who liked him

"Ha, it's not that easy but ok sure you can come" Millie smiled, even after a few minutes she loved the boy and would love to take care of him

"Hurry up bitches before someone notices the portal!" Snapped the wolf-like girl who stood grumpily in the purple portal. Harry, only just noticing her murmured "who that?" To Millie

Millie replied "she is what we call a hell hound!" Harry looked puzzled for a second then twigged


Uh oh.....

"Listen kid, I am not a dog ok?" Snapped the hellhound or Loona as she was known

"... Doggie!" 

"NO! I. Am. Not. A. Dog OK?!!!!"

Harry's eyes watered for a second, stunned by the harsh tone before laughing "Funny Doggie!"

"Uurrgh whatever kid, just get in the portal!" She growled

"Ok Doggie"

As they all stepped through the portal and into hell, one particular sound could be heard, well more precisely a howl


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