Chapter 13-The Naming

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Harry grinned as he leapt out of bed. Today was the day he was officially becoming a Morningstar! Yes, technically that had happened when he became a a Chosen, but this was really official! He was magically changing his name!

His Uncles Blitz and Moxxie and his Aunt Millie had brought him some books about his parents a few months ago, apparently he was famous up top for defeating some dark Lord or other. When he had told Ozzie this, the Sin had nodded as if something suddenly made sense. Harry presumed it was to do with the dark magic Uncle Al had removed from his scar just over 3 years ago.

He laughed, remembering the gobsmacked expression on the Sins' faces, Uncle Levi in particular, when Uncle Lucy had told them all that he was not even 3 when he went about burning theatres and hands, not to mention flooding palaces and silencing Uncles. In fact, Uncle Levi had been particularly nice to him for quite some time after that was revealed, Harry suspected a manipulation of some form.

Anyway, Harry had devoured the books, as matter of fact that was when he had first had the idea to change his name.

The young demon quickly got dressed in his favourite teal play suit and darted out of his room and down the swirling staircase to the kitchen.

Yesterday was All Hallows Eve, or Samhain as it was traditionally called. The night where the veil between living and dead was thinnest. Harry still wasn't quite sure of how that worked when one was trying to contact Heaven from Hell, but it was irrelevant as he was fairly sure it had worked.

Loona and Via, who were one step closer to being sisters after Uncle Stolas's particularly messy divorce from Stella, had helped him with the ritual to contact lost loved ones. Namely, his mum and dad. Harry had told them about his family down here in Hell, and how he still loved them, after all they had died for him, but how he wanted to let his name show who he was now. Obviously, they couldn't respond, for that Harry would actually have to visit Heaven, a thing that sounded fairly impossible. Yet he had felt an overwhelming feeling of love and acceptance, and he had been left a lot happier about his plan than before.

Neither Ozzie nor Fizz knew what he was going to change his name to, Harry couldn't wait to surprise them.

He pulled out cereal and milk from the cupboard and sat down to eat. He wolfed his food down in seconds, he was so excited. Soon enough, Ozzie came wandering sleepily in, Fizz on his shoulder as usual. Harry launched himself at hem, using his magic to propel himself up to the Sin's other shoulder.

"Morning Hades, whatever has you so excited?" Ozzie asked. Hades was Harry's family nickname, it originated after Fizz discovered his love of Greek Myth.

"I'm changing my name today!!!" Harry near shouted, smiling ear to ear.

Both smiled back. "Do tell, Hades, what are you going to change it to?" Fizz asked innocently.

"Nuh-uh, you cheater, I told you it's a surprise! Top secret until the ritual, remember?"

"Oh, of course... when are we doing said ritual, Ozz?"

Ozzie grinned, he was equally as excited for the ritual. "Let's have breakfast first, then we'll head up." Up, of course, meant the roof where they conducted most of their rituals.

"I've already had breakfast..."

"Already? F-Gosh! How long have you been up?" Fizz asked incredulously.

"Oh, only 10 minutes or so" was Harry's response.

"Probably best if you sit down then, Hades, you don't want to make yourself sick." Ozzie said, sitting down himself.

"But I am sitting down!" Harry protested.

Fizz laughed. "I think he meant sit down somewhere that's not on him.."

"Oh." Harry pouted. "But where's the fun in that?"

_ _ _ _

After breakfast

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The trio headed upstairs and out onto the roof. This ritual was a lot simpler than the Chosen one, therefore making it possible for the circles to have been drawn earlier, a fact which had been taken full advantage of.

Harry walked out and stood in the middle of the two intersecting chalk circles. He took a breath and cut his palm just enough for a drop of blood to fall out, making the circles glow green.

"I, Hadrian Lily Potter, Chosen of Asmodeus Morningstar, Sin of Lust, do of my own free will wish for my true name to be changed."

There was a brief silence before a disembodied voice echoed from everywhere and nowhere. "Speak." It announced. Harry jumped, shocked, but continued.

"From this moment onwards, Hadrian Lily Potter shall be no more and I will now be Hari Lili Asmodei Fizz Potter-Morningstar." As Hari said it, both Ozzie and Fizz gaped. Clearly, they had not expected that.

The voice spoke again. "Why."

"Hari for my birth father's Indian heritage. Lili for my birth mother and my blood aunt, queen of Hell. Asmodei for my.... For my Father, Sin of Lust." There was a stunned silence. "Fizz for my.. other father." The silence grew more stunned. "Potter-Morningstar for my birth family and my blood family, my found family."

"Agreeable." the voice stated. Then, lightning fast, the green that had been circling around the circles now moved and twisted on the ground to write 'Hari Lili Asmodei Fizz Potter-Morningstar' in neat curling letters. Then there was a flash and the writing, the circles and the green all dissipated.

Hari looked at Ozzie and Fizz. They looked back.

"H-Hari.. you really see us as your fathers?" Fizz asked.

Hari looked down. "Yes.. 's that ok?"

Before he knew it he was swept up in an enormous hug.

"Oh, Hades, of course it's ok!" "We love you" both said near simultaneously.

"I- um- I love you too."

Hope you enjoyed! Happy Easter!🥚🐣🐰


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