chapter 1 New world, New life

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??? Pov

It felt like time was slowing down, I opened my eyes slowly and noticed that I saw tree branches were floating up... But I just realized, tree branches don't magically float out of nowhere... I quickly shifted my glance as I looked down and my eyes widened in fear that I was falling from a tree.

???: AAAAAAHHH!!!!!


I hit the ground pretty hard, I grunt in pain as I try to turn my body to lay on my stomach... I managed to do it but I grunt more due to the pain. Honestly, how the hell aren't I dead or even paralyzed from that fall... From a small distance I saw something that was near the bush, it was hard to tell what it was. The only thing I could tell was that it was something small and had a tail, as my eyes started to adjust itself. But I try to get myself up, I also trip due to my body still in pain. As my eyes finally adjusted themselves I looked and saw what I saw in front of the bush, but it wasn't there anymore.

??? mind: Maybe I just imagined it.

Then out of nowhere I get this massive head, as I was starting to get memories of some sort of events that never occurred to me before. But one by one. Memory by Memory. It was starting to make sense in my head and I was starting to remember more and more. Until the last Memory had to do something in some sort of accident and as the last memory played in my head I finally remembered what happened and who I originally am from my previous last as "Arata Kamada". As I gasp in shock.


ALRIGHT LET'S CALM DOWN!! I take deep breaths and exhales and I repeat the process a few times... Afterwards I manage to calm myself down, honestly this is just a lot to process. I died and now I got isekai to a whole new world, but my biggest question is why am I in the woods of all places... You know what on second thought I take that back, this would be a place I would go to like to relax or something. I noticed a small lake and I went up to it and I saw my reflection and to my surprise my whole appearance was completely different from my previous life

 I noticed a small lake and I went up to it and I saw my reflection and to my surprise my whole appearance was completely different from my previous life

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A/n he doesn't have the sword

I got on my knees to get a closer look at my face.

Arata mind: Guess that was bound to happen when you get Isekai. Your appearance will completely change or it stays the same. Speaking of change? Did my name get changed as well? UGH DAMN IT!! It'll be a pain if I did get a new name!

I get up off my knees and dust the dirt I got off my clothing as best as I could from the fall. I need to figure out where I go from here. I do remember that I know I have home, good thing I remember that much before I got my memories from my previous life back. I looked at the sky and it looked like it was going down so I headed out the direction that I came out of. So that I don't die to whatever lurks in these woods and see what this new life has in store for me.

Got Isekai to a world I despise ( Trapped in a dating sim x Oc/male reader)Where stories live. Discover now