Chapter 14 The End Is Near?

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A/n So for this first, I finally finished college, so now I'm gonna be working on the stories more. Might be doing other stuff in my personal life but I'll have time now to write chapters for my stories. 

This is gonna be  a long chapter, I was originally gonna make it two chapter til the last one but decided to make it into one. So disclaimer, the next chapter will be the final chapter for season 1, I do plan to make my own chapter and it could lead to new characters coming in, and the story will be on hold til season 2 come out.

So tell me how you feel about how the story is since we're coming near the end. And make sure to leave a vote. This chapter was 13k works.

Anyways, hope you enjoy!!!


Third person pov

Two days pass in since the Sky Pirate Incident and let's say some parts we handled. The one that started this whole mess Stephanie, got punished for what she did and both of the Bartfort brothers were satisfied. But one problem was about the situation . Once they got back to the mainland, Angelica found out what happened and slapped Leon for hurting Olivia and as for Arata. Well he got lucky since he was the one to report on the aftermath of the Sky Pirates, but there could be a chance that she let him off the hook since he gave her the confidence to try to make up with Olivia. So now it was awkward for all four of them to hang around.

In the report that Leon wrote and Arata delivered to the higher up, it said that all the credit went to Brad and Greg. But that unfortunately failed, since those two went to the Prince and asked to tell them that it was the Bartfort brothers that won against the Sky Pirates and deserved all the credit, which worked in the end. They got promoted to upper rank 5th which is two ranks higher than their father, not to mention Leon also got a letter from Altee family thanking him when he helped Clarice during hover bike racing and gifted him his very own hover bike. They also made a recommendation for Leon to be promoted to upper 5th rank once he graduates from the Academy and let's just say he wasn't very pleased with it.

But there was also a letter for Arata as well but it was from the Shun family, as they thanked him for saving their son and will be also getting promoted after graduating as well. Arata was annoyed that he got the same treatment that Leon got but had to deal with it. 

As of right now the Bartfort brothers are hanging at the water fountain with Daniel and Raymond. Leon and Arata were sitting on the bench.

Daniel: You could try to be happier about it.

Raymond: Yeah come on, you guys just got a big promotion right?

Leon: Why would we be happy if we didn't want promotion in the first place?

Raymond: Because now you two won't have so much trouble finding a wife, besides those girls are staring right at you.

He turns his head and looks behind and sees three girls staring at Leon and Arata with annoyed expressions on their faces.

Student girl #1: I hear they got promoted again.

Student girl #2: Could be worth dating now.

Student girl #3: If I didn't hate them with every fiber of my being.

They started to walk away from them and Leon on the other hand is already annoyed by the attention he's getting and so is Arata.

Leon: They're only contemplating me because of my new fancy statues!! Now freaking way i'm out!!

Daniel: I can't deny that.

Raymond: Well pretty soon you might have better luck finding someone, the school trip is around the corner.

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