Chapter 6 Learn their place

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Third person pov

It's been a few days since the exploration class and Arata was now fully recovered. He was once again back in the capital at the blacksmith shop. He planned on going back after his exploration class was over to bring Erhard good news about the new sword he made. But due to his injuries he had to wait. Right now Erhard is speechless of what is in front of him.

Erhard: Ar-Arata?! WH-WHAT IS THIS!?!?!

What was in front of was a few of the jewels and crystals from the dungeon.

Arata: Extra payment for the new sword. Gotta say man, you made one hell of a fine blade, I fought intensely in that dungeon and it was still sharp as ever and didn't even look like it was gonna snap at all.

Erhard: I-I don't know what to say.

Arata: You need to say anything, just a little thank you for actually making it... Even though now I'm getting attention from before now.

Word spread like wildfire that Arata found a bunch of treasure, when he was in the dungeon. Many people weren't believing it since he was a commoner and all, but he didn't care.

Erhard: You really are something.

Arata: *chuckles* Yeah I got that a lot... Also I wanted you to check this out for me.

He brought his messenger bag, along with Senbonzakura with him to get them checked and see what it really is. He pulls Senbonzakura out of its kato-bukuro and places it in front of Erhard.

Arata: I also found this in the dungeon as well. You know anything about it?

He picks it and inspects it and takes it out of its sheath, Erhard looks surprised that there was a sword down at the dungeon and it looks like it was brand new and not even a scratch on it. He puts it back in its sheath and places it on the front desk.

Erhard: Hmm I never seen this before or even know the craftsmanship that went into making this. And you found this in the dungeon?

Arata: *nods* Sure did.

Erhard: Whoever made this is truly something, what do you plan on doing with it?

Arata: Well I plan on using it and don't worry I still plan on using the sword you just made for me.

Erhard: *chuckles* Oh don't worry kid, I wasn't worried about that in the slightest.

Arata grabs Senbonzakura and puts it back into the kato-bukuro and he puts it over his right shoulder.

Arata: Well I gotta go. I still have things to do, hope you enjoy the extra pay. Thanks for at least checking out the sword

Erhard: Anytime, see you around.

He exited the shop and knew immediately where to go next, he had his senbonzakura with him. Along with his messenger bag and it had the creature from the other day, this was the only place for him to go and it was none other than Wiz's shop... Sagira appears next to him as he walks to her shop.

Sagira: You know now that I think about it. I do remember seeing that creature before.

Arata gasps in surprise at what she just said, he turns his head to the left, as they continue to head to Wiz's shop.

Arata: Really? How so?

Sagira: On the day that you were packing your things for the Academy with your mother, I noticed something in the bushes. But fled the moment It saw me.

Arata stop walking and opened his messenger bag,

Arata stop walking and opened his messenger bag,

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