Chapter 13 Item Acquired

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A/n IT'S BACK!!! after a long wait, i'm back writing this story again and i'll focus on this story for now until I finished season 1 which were almost their and me adding my own chapters for this story. I also want to thank all of you for 7.4k reader which is insane!! I never thought this story would get attention since this is my first story and I'm so grateful to all you that are enjoy this story and look forward for any other stories I do. On that I'm almost done with the Prologue of my new story and I'm hype to work on it and for you all to read it!! Also I am almost done finishing up graduating from College so I'll have more time to write, unless I'm lazy or busy.

So keep an eye for my new story, hopefully I should be releasing it pretty soon.

But anyway I'm back, and here to write you new chapter.



Third person pov

Leon was standing on the deck as he was reflecting on the conversation he had with Olivia and let's just say, it didn't go so well. Olivia questioned why Leon and Arata helped her so much and it made no sense to her at all since she's nothing but a commoner, she then started crying and felt like she was Leon's pet rather than his friend.

Luxion: Your pet huh? Students were intensely malicious toward her, at the Academy. She must feel dejected. There's no need to be concerned Master.

Leon: You expect me to respect me to not be concerned. My poor heart is delicate as a hand blown glass trinket.

Luxion: If by trinket, you mean bulletproof glass shield. Then yes it is.

Leon signs of exhaustion as he turns around and leans back on the rail.

Leon: Well it's probably for the best, I went and got myself involved with the protagonist in her theoretical rival, and here I am playing the price. While Arata is dealing with the antagonist.

Luxion: It might have turned out differently, had your actions not inhibited Olivia's personal growth.

Leon: What are you talking about? I was helping her look out for help, every step of the way, Arata even helped out.

Luxion: And that's the issue by solving all of her problems, you gave her no chance to learn. Perhaps she was your adorable pet after all, based on yours and Master Arata decision making. I would assert that she's valuable to you as your personal doormat rather than a friend.

Leon was angered by this as he balled his fist and tightened his grip, he punched Luxion as he was now flying towards the door. That was when the door opened to reveal Arata with Kilala on his shoulder and Sagira floating next to him, as his quick reflexes kicked in he caught Luxion before it smacked him in the face. Leon now flinched in fear that he almost hit Arata.

Arata: Shit man, you plan to recreate baseball or something?

Luxion: Fast reflexes as always master Arata, though at times you don't show it.

Arata: You're lucky I don't turn you into a light bulb.

He lets go and Luxion begins to float again, he goes to Leon and Arata follows him.

Arata: So wanna explain why you're using Luxion as your way to become a pitcher if baseball was recreated here?

Leon sighs and he explains what happened in the conversation between him and Olivia, then Luxion told him that they didn't let Olivia develop as a person.

Arata: Well can't say Luxion isn't wrong here.

Sagira: Got that right, besides feel like we already talked about this.

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