Chapter 3 New companions

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Arata pov

Dark. Everything is dark... I can't even feel my body at all, it felt like I was sinking in a bottomless ocean.

Arata mind: Shit... Did I seriously die again? Especially that I said that death won't have me again.... Well... Guess It was–

Suddenly I heard a sound, a more specific beating noise... it got louder and louder and I realized that it was my heartbeat and it was racing. My eyes shot wide open as I was panting heavily. I was looking at a room ceiling that I was in and noticed that I somehow was on a gurney, I had a massive headache and my body felt numb as well.

Arata: *grunts* What the hell even happened?

???: Well if you really wanna know, I woke up from god knows how long and the first thing I noticed was an almost dead body. Which was you for that matter and I just saved you.

My eyes widened that something or someone actually responded to what I just said, let alone it sounded like a woman's voice. I tried to get up and looked around to see who was talking, but my head started to hurt, as I held my head with my right hand on my forehead and I grunt in pain.

???: Whoa. Careful now, I'm pretty sure that you don't want to lose consciousness again.

I was adjusting myself, as I was now sitting on the edge of the gurney.

Arata: *sighs* Alright where the hell are you then?

Then out of nowhere something appeared in front of me, as I flinched in pure shock. But what completely surprised me was what appeared right in front of me.

 But what completely surprised me was what appeared right in front of me

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It was the object that I found in that box before I lost consciousness.

Arata: Ok. Now I know I'm seeing things or I'm losing my mind all together.

???: Wow, that's some greeting you humans got there.

Arata: Well it's not every person who sees some sort of a flying metal object.

???: Noted... But for starters my name is Sagira.

Well good thing is now I know whatever this thing really is.

Arata Sagira you say? That's an odd name.

Sagira; Oh please. Arata is an odd name as well you know.

That caught me off guard completely...! How in the hell that thing now is my name?!?! Clearly this thing wasn't even on when I picked it up?!?!? I made sure of it?!?!

Sagira: But then again, there were some–

Arata: Ok. Ok. I need you to stop right there. How the hell do you even know my name?

Sagira: Well I can tell you Arata Fou Bartfort, or do you still go by Arata Kamada?

OK NOW I NEED ANSWERS!!! It was one thing that this thing knew my name, BUT SHE EVEN KNEW MY PREVIOUS LIFE FAMILY NAME!!!

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