Chapter 11 Redgrave summon

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A/n First things first, I wanted to say Thank you guys for 100 total votes and 3.5k readers!! I never expected to get this many votes for my first story I made, I honestly started this for fun and I see your comments on the chapters of you enjoying it.

I also wanted to tell you that the next chapter is when I'm gonna stop updating chapters for this story. I feel like the next chapter is a good place to stop and we're near the end of season 1. I want to give my second story a chance to get some attention, and not only that I'll be releasing a new story that I've been working on. I also have been looking at adding new shows for me to add to my list for me to write on. I wanna say thank you all again for reading this fan story and it encourages me that you enjoy it and it makes me want to continue to write new stories for you all.

So make sure to go check out my Death Note story cuz that's the story I'll be focusing on once i'm done with the next chapter, and don't worry I'll return to this story. So don't think I abandoned it.

Well that's all, make sure to leave a vote, it's gonna be a pretty long chapter and might be my longest chapter I made.

Anyways, Enjoy this chapter!!!

Third person pov

It was the next day of the School Festival, Everyone was in the Bartfort Cafe and this time Arata arrived on time. But the atmosphere felt so awkward after everything that happened yesterday. Daniel and Raymond told Arata what happened and obviously it was Stephanie's fault. She told Olivia that Angelica use to despise commoners and make her believe that she was nothing but Angelica's pet.

Raymond: Is it just or does it seem awkward between them?

Daneil: I wonder if it's because of what happened.

Leon: Definitely.

Arata: ... I say let the girls take a break and enjoy the Festival.

Daniel: Good idea, it's not like we're busy.

Raymond: Got that right, I mean were not completely in the red at least thanks to Wiz.

Leon: Look you guys, we're going to make a killing on the last day.

Daniel: How so?

Raymond: I got a bad feeling about this.

Arata walked towards the girl as they were still cleaning the tables.

Arata: Hey girls, why don't you take a break and enjoy the Festival.

They stopped cleaning and looked at Arata, surprised that they could go and enjoy the Festival.

Angelica: Are you sure, we just opened up.

Arata: Yeah we're sure, and the others agree.

She looks over and sees the others nod their heads in agreement.

Arata: So why don't you and Olivia go around and enjoy the last day of the Festival.

That was when Arata reached into this pocket and got some of his money and handed it to Angelica. 

Arata: Go treat yourselves with something at the Festival.

Angelica accepts the money and smiles at him.

Angelica: Thank you, but you're also accompanying us.

Arata: Ehh.

Angelica: Consider it a punishment for being late yesterday.

Olivia: And you did say you would make it up for being late.

Arata sighs and they had a point, he did say that he would make it up to them. It looked like he had no chance but to comply.

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