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"Shoot," Grian mumbled to himself, "I'm out of copper." He closed the shulker he had been searching and looked over a sea of chests and shulkers. Not a single copper ingot resided in them.

"I'm going to need some," he said, "But there is no way in hell I'm going to mine any of it." He glanced over to Mumbo's base, deep in thought. "Well," he said to himself, "I guess Mumbo wouldn't mind if I borrowed some of his copper."

Grian glided towards Mumbo's base and landed quietly on the rooftop. He glanced down near the entrance and listened carefully, but heard nothing.

"Perfect, Mumbo isn't home." Grian smiled to himself. "Free copper for me."

He flew into Mumbo's base, still trying to remain as quiet as possible. Knowing Mumbo, he was sure there was some kind of security system active.

As Grian entered, he glanced around the room. The whole base was surprisingly dark, with barely any light besides the sunlight that flooded through the open door.

He stepped cautiously, his eyes straining themselves in the darkness of the room. Something about it left Grian with an uneasy feeling in his gut. He shook it off. 'This is Mumbo's base,' he thought to himself, 'and Mumbo is the nicest person I know. There's nothing scary about him.'

Grian used the little light that shone in from the doors to navigate through the room. Eventually, he found Mumbo's storage area and began to rifle through his chests. He soon found a stash of copper in one of the chests. There were stacks upon stacks, and Grian smirked to himself. "Surely Mumbo won't miss a couple of stacks," he mumbled.

He grabbed a couple stacks of copper and stuffed them into his bag. His victory was short lived, however, as he heard the giant front doors slam shut.

"Shit," Grian whispered. He scurried into a corner behind some chests, and listened carefully as footsteps echoed through the base.

It was almost impossible for Grian to see, as the little light that he had was now gone. He heard someone grumbling, clearly irritated about something. "Stupid door and security, never working right, dumb thing."

Grian squinted, watching the figures movement in the dark. Just as he had feared; It was Mumbo.

Suddenly, Mumbo stopped, almost like he had been alerted to something. He turned his gaze in Grian's direction. Grian held his breath; surely Mumbo couldn't see him in a room this dark.

Grian closed his eyes, hoping that it would somehow make him less detectable in the darkness. He heard footsteps for a few seconds, before all that remained was silence.

After a moment, Grian opened his eyes. He jumped when he was met with eyes staring back at him. "M- Mumbo-?" Grian asked.

"Grian," Mumbo replied, stepping closer. He stared at Grian in the darkness. Grian stepped back cautiously, although his back met the wall. 'Yep, I'm trapped,' he thought to himself.

"What are you doing here?" Mumbo asked, still looking down at Grian. Grian stared at him for a moment, having trouble speaking.

Something about the way Mumbo was looking at him felt different. It was like Grian was frozen by Mumbo's gaze. His eyes were almost... glowing in the darkness of the base. Grian was paralyzed by his stare.

"What are you doing, Grian?" Mumbo asked, his voice becoming a bit deeper. Grian tried to pull his eyes away from Mumbo, but couldn't. He spoke quietly. "I- uhm, I came for some, uh, copper," he stuttered.

His mind was still focused on Mumbo and his stare. Grian felt strangely uneasy, almost like prey caught in a trap. His heart was pounding and all he could think of was the fact that he was caught.

He almost wanted to shame himself for feeling this way. This was Mumbo, after all, who was one of the nicest people Grian knew. He would never hurt Grian, or anyone for that matter.

Still, something about the way Mumbo looked at him now left Grian feeling... strange. Intimidated, almost. He couldn't look away.

"So," Mumbo said, stepping forward and making it almost impossible for Grian to even breathe freely, "You've been stealing from me."

"W-well," Grian stuttered, managing to pull his eyes away and look at the ground beneath him, "I'd say stealing is a pretty strong word, Mumbo. More like... borrowing?"

Mumbo put one arm onto the wall, pinning Grian to it and making it nearly impossible to leave. Grian let out a startled squeak as his eyes met Mumbo's yet again.

"I'm not sure if I can let you get away with stealing my things, Grian," Mumbo said, once again moving closer. His eyes stared into Grian's, with a look close to that of hunger.

Grian stepped to the side which Mumbo had yet to block off. "Of course you can," he said with a nervous laugh, "After all, I'll repay you soon enough."

Mumbo pressed his other arm next to Grian, completely trapping him now. Grian looked up at him, startled. "I'm sure you will," Mumbo said.

Grian laughed nervously again, pulling his eyes away from Mumbo's just long enough to locate an escape route. Grian looked up at Mumbo again, barely being able to form a sentence.

Mumbo looked down at Grian, keeping him firmly in place for a few seconds. Grian tried to speak again, but all that escaped his mouth was a small, strangled sound. 

Quickly, he ducked under Mumbo's arm and quickly took a few steps back, moving closer to the door. "W- well, I guess I should be going now," he stuttered.

He let his wings unfold and quickly flew towards the door. "Well bye Mumbo!" He called as the doors slammed behind him. Mumbo looked at the door for a moment before closing his eyes.

He slowly sat down, running a hand through his hair for a moment. "That... was weird," he said to himself.

He felt somewhat.. out of it. It was like something had taken control of him when he was speaking with Grian. He barely understood what he was saying.

And what had he been doing, trapping Grian like that. He had seemed so... afraid. He knew that Mumbo wasn't going to hurt him, right?

Did Mumbo even know if he was going to hurt Grian?

He surely hadn't meant to, but then again...

Mumbo shook his head. 'No, no, I won't hurt him,' he thought to himself, 'I can't hurt him.'

Mumbo looked down at his hands, thinking. Had part of him wanted to hurt Grian?

Mumbo was a vampire. This was a fact that he had to live with. However, Mumbo never did anything to hurt any of his friends. Sure, he had always had urges, to say the least. It was just a part of his nature, his instinct. But Mumbo could control himself. He wasn't an impulsive person, he could keep himself collected. Mumbo knew how to control himself.

For the most part.

But just then, Mumbo had felt himself slip a bit. He hadn't meant to, and this kind of slipping was... new. He had never really lost himself that much until now.

Goodness, this whole 'Peace, Love, and Plants' thing had been a huge mistake. Normally, Mumbo fed off of the blood of animals, which, granted, was one of the most unpleasant options possible. Vampires were meant to hunt...

Well, let's just say they weren't meant to hunt pigs.

But now, since he had been eating only potatoes, he was practically starving himself. He had never craved blood more, and maybe it was getting to him.

Mumbo shook his head again. "No, I can control myself. I'm fine. Everything will be fine here."

He looked at the shut doors of his base. God, he had messed up with Grian. Maybe Mumbo owed him an apology.

He stood up and walked outside, watching as the sun sank below the horizon. He decided that tomorrow, he would apologize to Grian.

Nothing could possibly go wrong.

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