New Plan. Safe Plan.

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Grian began to wake about an hour later. This was thanks to Scar, who had given him a health potion almost immediately after the incident.

Grian's head felt fuzzy, and he could barely remember what had happened. It was only after he saw Scar sitting in the armchair next to him that he realized.

"Scar?" Grian said. His voice came out as a dry whisper, barely audible. Scar was immediately by his side.

"Hey buddy," Scar said quietly, "How are you?" Grian made a small nod and brought a hand up to his neck. His limbs felt heavy, and it was hard to move. He felt soft bandages wrapped around his neck and shoulder.

"Where's-" Grian began, but Scar cut him off. "Grian, don't strain yourself trying to talk. Just try to rest for now."

Grian didn't respond, but instead began to silently scan the room. He was searching for someone. Scar placed a hand on Grian's shoulder.

"Mumbo isn't here," he said, "He's with Doc and Pearl outside. They should be back soon."

Grian nodded sadly and slumped down into the sofa. He was surrounded with comfy pillows and blankets, but he was still nervous knowing Mumbo wasn't there.

He heard the front door open, and voices flooded into the room. He saw Mumbo, who looked incredibly ill. His face was one of worry and guilt. It made Grian sad.

Mumbo's eyes met Grian's, and he immediately looked away. Grian wanted to call out to him, he wanted Mumbo to comfort him, but he could barely speak.

Mumbo drew the other's attention to Grian, and they quickly rushed over to his side. "Grian?" Pearl asked anxiously. "How are you?"

"Mmm," Grian mumbled. Pearl laughed a bit. "That's good to hear."

Grian didn't respond to her, instead looking at the entrance where Mumbo stood timidly. Doc and Pearl gave each other a look, debating on whether or not they should let Mumbo see Grian.

Mumbo clearly felt too nervous to see Grian, and in his mind it was best that he steered clear of Grian.

What Mumbo had done was wrong. It disturbed him, and left him feeling like he'd done something he could never take back. He'd crossed a line, and could never fix what he'd done.

Grian should hate him.

But Grian could never hate Mumbo.

And part of Mumbo was very aware of that. It made him sick to his stomach.

Grian waved Mumbo over. Pearl was hesitant to allow it, but Grian knew that it would be fine.

Mumbo looked at Pearl and Doc nervously as Grian gave him a pleading look. Mumbo sighed, knowing that at the end of the day, Grian was in control here.

He stepped forward and approached Grian. He didn't know what to say. There really wasn't anything he could say.

So Grian broke the silence.

"Mumbo," he said quietly.

"Yeah?" Mumbo responded, his voice shakier than he'd intended it to be.

"I want a hug."

Mumbo hesitated, but he obliged and gave Grian a hug. He felt tears begin to well in his eyes. He had never wanted to hurt Grian, not like this.

Suddenly, Mumbo pulled away. He looked lost in thought. "Mumbo?" Grian asked quietly.

Mumbo looked at him and offered a small smile. "I'm glad you're okay, Grian." Grian appreciated the sentiment, but something about the way Mumbo said it felt off. Grian could tell his mind was elsewhere.

"Pearl," Mumbo said, "Can I speak with you quickly?"

Pearl looked at Mumbo, concerned. "Alright," she said. Grian watched as the two of them left the room.

Meanwhile, Doc was already beginning to check on Grian's bandages. He held back a gasp when he took them off.

The small patch of flesh where Mumbo had bitten had faded into a light pink mark, close to a scar. Even with the healing potion, Doc was surprised to see it healed so quickly.

Grian could care less about how healed it was. He could hear Pearl and Mumbo as they spoke quietly in the other room. Grian was straining his ears attempting to decipher their conversation.

Mumbo soon returned, although this time he looked significantly more downcast. Pearl followed behind, also looking more serious.

"Grian," Pearl began, but Mumbo shook his head. "No, I'll talk to him." Pearl looked at Mumbo hesitantly, but she quietly agreed and left the room. Doc soon followed.

"Mumbo, what's going on?" Grian asked suspiciously. Mumbo looked away nervously.

He sat beside Grian, a grave expression on his face. "Look, Grian," Mumbo began, "Pearl and I were talking... and," he paused, looking away again.

Grian looked at him nervously. "Mumbo?" He sighed. "Look, Grian," he said again, "We were talking, and we decided that," he paused and took a deep breath.

"Grian, I'm losing control," Mumbo said quietly, "Like, really losing control."

Grian looked at him, worried. "What are you saying..?"

"I'm dangerous, Grian," Mumbo said. Grian shook his head. "No, no, you aren't- you-" Mumbo placed his hand on Grian's. Grian looked at him, tears beginning to fill his eyes.

"Listen, if this cure doesn't work," Mumbo said carefully, "Then.. it might be best if," Mumbo stopped, looking at Grian. Grian shook his head, he knew what Mumbo meant.

"No, Mumbo, you can't- we- there has to be another option."

Mumbo shook his head. "Grian, we have to."

Grian stood up. "No!" he exclaimed, "I won't! I won't let anyone hurt you! You can't do this!"

"Grian," Mumbo said gently. Grian shook his head again. "You aren't dangerous! You can control yourself!"

"I almost killed you just now, Grian!" Mumbo shouted. "I wasn't going to stop! If Scar hadn't pulled me off.."

"No, Mumbo, it was an accident, and I'm fine-"

"You could have died," Mumbo said, "And I can't guarantee that it won't happen again."

Grian looked at him helplessly. No, this- this couldn't be true. Mumbo wouldn't hurt him, he wouldn't-

Would he..?

"Grian," Mumbo said quietly, his tone softer, "There's still a chance this cure could work. This is only the worst case scenario."

Grian sat silently, looking down at his hands. He didn't even want to think about this, about the possibility of losing his friend. He hated this.

"But until then," Mumbo continued, "We have another plan."

"Another plan?" Grian questioned.

Mumbo nodded. "We made a place for me to.. stay, until the cure is ready."

"You're going to prison?!" Grian exclaimed. Mumbo shook his head. "No, not prison," he responded, "Just.. a containment center.."

"Mumbo, that's the definition of prison!" Grian protested.

"Well, that aside, it's our only option. The safest option," he added.

Mumbo looked at Grian, his expression serious. "Look, Grian, whatever you do, do not let me out of there. No matter what I say, no matter how bad you feel, I stay in there. Understand?"

Grian nodded sadly. God, he really hated this.

"Good," Mumbo said. Grian gave Mumbo another tight hug, which Mumbo returned sadly. In his mind, he felt a new guilt about leaving Grian by himself. But he was comforted by the fact that this would keep Grian safe.


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