The Hunt

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Mumbo was in the containment unit by the next morning. He left while Grian slept. He felt it would make it easier for the both of them.

But as soon as Grian woke up, he was on his way to see Mumbo.

He entered the room outside of the containment unit. It felt strangely empty, like a ransacked doctor's office. It sent a shiver down Grian's spine.

Mumbo was leaning against the wall of the containment cell, humming to himself. Grian looked at him through the glass.

"Hey, Mumbo," Grian said. Mumbo glanced at him, in an almost bored manner. It felt slightly off, but Grian didn't say anything. "How do you feel?"

"Oh, I feel fine," Mumbo said. Again, Grian got a weird feeling from him. His voice also sounded wrong, almost forced. It made Grian a bit uncomfortable.

"Fine?" Grian asked. Mumbo nodded. "Fine."

"Are you.. hungry?" Grian pressed. He didn't know why he was trying to get Mumbo to answer this, but he could feel that something was off. He wanted answers.

"Hmm," Mumbo hummed idly, "I could go for a bite," he said. He laughed a bit at his own joke. It sent shivers down Grian's spine.

"What's up with you, Mumbo? You're acting strange," Grian said, looking at Mumbo with concern. Mumbo laughed a bit. He looked at Grian, his bored expression melting into one close to desperation. It also looked hungry. Grian had seen it before.

"Oh, Grian, I'm just so hungry," Mumbo confessed. "Please, you have to get me some food."

"Mumbo, you know I can't do that," Grian said. Mumbo was staring at him, with pleading, red eyes.

"That's fine, you don't have to do anything. I can just do it for you. All you have to do is let me out."

Grian took a step back, feeling increasingly nervous. "Mumbo, I don't think that's a good idea."

"Grian, please," Mumbo pleaded. He took a step towards the glass. "I need to eat."

Grian's heart began to race. Mumbo was really losing it now. It startled Grian.

Mumbo was staring at him hungrily. He could hear Grian's heart beating. It was driving him crazy.

"Grian, why don't you just come in here?" Mumbo asked. Grian shook his head, taking another step back.

Mumbo suddenly slammed his hand on the glass. "Grian! Let me out of here!" he shouted. Grian let out a startled yell.

He didn't say anything, and instead began to walk quickly towards the door. He shook as he heard Mumbo yell again.

He went to Doc's base, where Pearl, Scar, and Doc were all gathered, discussing the cure. They watched Grian as he entered, noticing how shaken he looked. "What's wrong?" Doc asked. Grian shook his head. "It's Mumbo. He's acting differently. Scary."

Doc looked at Pearl, concerned. They were losing time faster than anticipated.

"How's the cure coming?" Grian asked. He didn't want to think about Mumbo's state right now.

Doc's face became more serious. Grian took that as a sign that the answer wouldn't be a good one.

"There might be a small complication," Doc said. Grian looked at him questioningly. "What kind of complication?" Grian asked.

"The cure might require something.. expensive.. to say the least."

"Well, I have plenty of diamonds," Grian responded, "I'll pay for whatever it is."

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