Price to Pay

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"A soul?" Grian asked. He was laying tiredly in an armchair, unable to stand due to his knee. He stared at Doc and Pearl intensely. "The cure needs a soul?"

Pearl nodded grimly. "Vampirism technically kills the host, so curing Mumbo would mean we'd have to bring him back to life, which would require a soul."

Grian turned his eyes to Mumbo. He was laying on the couch, fully passed out. Doc had given him a few weakness potions to try and prevent the possibility of escape. He was also bound by restraints, but Grian knew that if he really tried, he could break them.

"Well, can't we just use a totem or something?" Grian retorted. Doc shook his head. "A totem technically keeps someone from dying. It doesn't bring back a fully dead individual, it just keeps them from crossing over."

"Well, what about soul sand? Can't you get a soul from that?" Grian asked. He was searching desperately for a solution, one that wouldn't involve someone dying.

"Soul sand is composed of soul fragments, Grian," Pearl replied, "We've looked at every possible option. Weakness potions and gapples, soul soil, beacons, everything. But," she paused, looking down, "A full soul is the only way to save him."

Grian just sat, feeling shocked and angry. "No!" he exclaimed, "This is bullshit!" He stood up, and nearly doubled over in pain, but he held himself upright.

"This isn't some one person who lives and another who dies kind of deal. This isn't some stupid lesson about having cake and not being able to eat it too. I'm not gonna let one person die here!"

He looked down at his fists and clenched them tightly. The room felt heavy, everyone silent. Doc and Pearl didn't speak, instead just looking at each other sadly. Scar fidgeted with his sleeve quietly.

"I'll do it, then," Grian spoke quietly. Everyone looked at him, startled. "We can use my soul."

Doc looked at Grian uncertainty. "Are you sure, Grian?" He nodded, looking up at Doc. "I'll do it."

Pearl shook her head. "Grian, you can't." Doc and Grian looked at her. "Yes, I can," Grian responded. "It's okay, really."

"No, Grian," Pearl replied, "You literally can't."

Doc looked at her questioningly. "Why can't he, Pearl?" Pearl looked between the two of them uncertainty.

"Grian doesn't have a soul to give."


Stupid Evo.

Stupid stupid Evo server. Stupid Watchers. Stupid choices.

Stupid Grian.

They had taken it from him. Stolen it from him. His soul, his humanity.

Stupid Evo.

Of course the Watchers wouldn't let him leave without paying a price. He knew that. He was foolish to have thought that the only price he would have to pay was his past life. Or his happiness. God, even his sanity.

But they had to take something else, something irreplaceable.

And now he couldn't do anything to save his friend.

He knew, somewhere, they were laughing at him. A long played game of revenge finally giving them their twisted prize.

Stupid Evo.

Stupid Watchers.

Stupid, stupid, Grian.


"What?" Doc asked. He turned to Grian, staring at him in shock. "What do you mean, Pearl?"

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