An Accident

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At this point, hiding anything was a pointless venture.

While Scar was talking with Doc about the possibility of a cure, Grian and Mumbo gathered the rest of Boatem together for a meeting.

The only person who was out of the loop was Impulse, although Pearl didn't have the full details of the situation.

The group sat in the meeting room, and Mumbo began to explain the situation, and Grian narrated the events of the past few weeks.

Pearl and Impulse listened carefully, taking note of everything they were learning. Pearl did, however, notice that they were missing one crucial detail.

"Mumbo," Pearl began, "What exactly have you been eating?"

Mambo glanced over to Grian, but neither said anything. Pearl picked up on this silence rather quickly. She looked between the two, her eyes growing wider at the realization.


She looked at Grian, her eyes scanning over him. "And... how do you feel?"

"I feel.. fine," Grian answered truthfully, "If anything, I'm a bit tired, but other than that," he shrugged.

"That's.. really weird," Pearl commented. She turned to Mumbo. "And how often do you.." Pearl hesitated. Mumbo looked away nervously. "Every couple of days.."

"Every couple of days?!" Pearl exclaimed. She turned to Grian. "You have been giving blood every couple of days? And you feel fine?!"

She moved closer and moved Grian's hair from his neck. "Pearl? What are you doing-?"

She made a small gasp. A small bite mark was visible on Grian's neck. She looked over to Mumbo again. "And.. how long ago was this?"

"Yesterday," Mumbo replied. He was feeling increasingly more uncomfortable

"That's incredible," she whispered. She began to prod around the area. "Pearl? Are you done?" Grian asked, slightly annoyed.

She backed up. "Right, sorry," she said apologetically. She looked at Grian, staring at him curiously. "I wonder.."

Grian looked at her questioningly. "You wonder..?"

Pearl narrowed her eyes, as if thinking hard about something. "I wonder if you healed faster because you're-"

She paused, looking away. Grian looked at her, his eyes widening. Mumbo and Impulse glanced between the two of them, confused. "Because he's what?" Mumbo asked.

Pearl shook her head, deciding not to finish. Mumbo looked at Grian, searching for any answers, but Grian just looked away, almost guiltily.

They dropped the conversation after that. The group agreed to meet at Mumbo's base later, with Doc and Scar, to come up with a solid plan for what would happen before the cure was finished.

They went their separate ways, with Grian and Mumbo on their way to Mumbo's base. The two of them sat on the sofa, both lost in thought.

Mumbo wanted to ask Grian about what Pearl had said, but he felt it was a discussion for another time. Plus, he had other things on his mind.

"Grian," Mumbo said quietly, "I don't feel too good."

Grian stood up and stepped closer. "Well, of course not," he commented, "You haven't eaten today and you've been out in the sun."

He already began to pull his jumper's collar down, exposing his neck. Mumbo shook his head.

"Grian, this is a really bad idea," Mumbo said firmly. Grian shook his head. "No, you won't hurt me. I'm sure of it."



Grian moved closer, and Mumbo knew there was no point in trying to stop Grian, or himself for that matter.

For safety, Mumbo insisted that Grian grip his sword. Grian didn't think he'd need to use it, but nevertheless he held onto the handle.

Mumbo stood behind Grian and wrapped one arm around his waist, much to Grian's surprise. It was a welcome surprise, however, and Grian felt himself lean into Mumbo. Something about being there made him feel safer, more secure.

With his other arm, Mumbo lifted Grian's chin, making his neck more easily accessible.

Grian held his breath, waiting for the inevitable bite. He winced as he felt Mumbo's sharp teeth dig into his flesh.

Grian let out a sharp breath. This bite felt deeper than last time. He felt his heartbeat accelerating.

Grian felt himself getting weaker almost immediately. Whether it was because of how deep the bite was or because the venom was rushing to his head faster he wasn't sure. He felt his grip on his sword begin to slip.

Soon, Grian's vision began to swirl. He took that as a sign that it was time to stop.

"M-Mumbo," Grian said, tapping his arm. However, Mumbo didn't stop, and instead gripped Grian tighter. Grian felt himself fading quicker.

"Mumbo, really," Grian said. He felt the sword slip from his hand as his arms began to go limp.

Grian tried to push away, but Mumbo's arm kept him firmly in place. Grian could barely move now, and felt himself leaning into Mumbo. His eyelids were growing heavier by the second.

He barely looked up when the door opened. It was Scar. He spoke as he entered the living room. "Mumbo, I have good news!"

Scar stopped as he saw the two in front of him. He gor a strange sense of deja vu.

He noticed that this wasn't like the last time, however.

All Grian could do was glance up at Scar, giving him a tired look. Scar suddenly realized what was going on.

"Hey, Mumbo, stop," he said suddenly. Mumbo didn't stop.

Scar approached Mumbo and grabbed onto his shoulder, trying to wake him from whatever trance he was in. Mumbo made a low, guttural growl, startling Scar.

Scar tugged on Mumbo's shoulder, and Mumbo finally released Grian from his grasp. Grian fell to the ground, barely able to move at this point.

Scar left Mumbo standing by himself, and went to Grian. He helped him onto the sofa, where Grian fell asleep almost immediately.

Scar turned to Mumbo, looking at him with wide eyes. Mumbo stood there, trying to grasp what had just happened.

He looked at Scar, a bit startled himself. His gaze turned to Grian, and suddenly Mumbo was hit with the startling reality of what had just happened.

"Oh no," he whispered.

This was bad.

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