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"So you are a vampire!" Scar exclaimed, "I knew it!"

"Heh, yeah," Mumbo said, "That's it."

"So Grian's dating a vampire?"

Grian blushed a bit and began to laugh. "No- Scar- we aren't actually dating," Mumbo said, a bit unamused, although he too was blushing.

Scar looked between them skeptically. "Okay, if you say so.." he said. Mumbo rolled his eyes. "We do, we do say so." Scar nodded, but clearly didn't believe a word they said.

"Fake dating aside," Grian said deflectively, "We still have to figure this out."

"Figure out.. what exactly?" Scar asked. Grian and Mumbo exchanged glances.

"Okay, you guys keep doing this weird thing where you look at each other when you're hiding something," Scar observed. "What aren't you guys telling me?"

"Well.." Grian began, "There might be one small problem rising.."

Scar looked at him questioningly. "And that problem would be-?"

"I'm... kind of losing control of myself," Mumbo answered truthfully. He heard Scar's heartbeat increase slightly.
"Oh," Scar said, "I can see how that might be a problem.."

Scar sat in silence for a moment, processing everything he had learned. "Why haven't you told the others?" Scar asked quietly.

"I'm not sure it'd be a good idea, Scar," Mumbo said, "After all, I don't think people will react well to that information."

"What? Of course they would! You're our friend, Mumbo, nothing could stop that." Mumbo looked at Grian skeptically. "Mate, you literally ran into a door and passed out when you saw Mumbo," Grian said.

"Okay, well, in my defense," Scar said, raising his hands defensively, "He was literally drinking your blood."

Mumbo shrugged. "Fair," he replied.

"So, what's the plan here?" Scar asked after a beat.

"The plan?" Mumbo questioned. "Yeah, you know, so you don't go all monster mode and attack someone?"

"We... don't really have a plan," Grian confessed. Scar stared at him wide-eyed. "You don't have a plan?!" Scar exclaimed. "Mumbo is turning more vampire as we speak and you guys don't have a plan?!"

"Well, in our defense," Grian said, "Our planning was interrupted by someone popping in uninvited."

"Yeah... I guess that's my bad," Scar said. They all sat, thinking. The atmosphere felt thick.

"Is there a cure?" Scar asked. Mumbo looked at him, wondering about that himself. "A cure?"

"Yeah, for like, vampirism or whatever this is called."

"Huh," Mumbo said, "I'd never really considered that this could be curable before."

Scar shook his head. "Wow, you guys are really behind on fixing any of these issues."

"Well, if there's one person who could make a cure, I know who it would be," Grian commented.

Both Scar and Mumbo looked at Grian inquisitively. Grian looked at them as though the answer was obvious. They both thought for a moment. "Oh!" Scar exclaimed, "Doc!"

Grian nodded. "Doc."

"But I doubt he could make a cure on the spot," Mumbo commented, "Sure, Doc's a genius, but he's not a miracle worker."

"And in the meantime," Grian added, "We need to figure out what's making you progress so quickly, and how much time we have before..." Grian trailed off. He didn't need to finish. Everyone knew what he meant.

"Well, we know that it's most likely got something to do with the moon," Mumbo said. Grian nodded.

"So, who knows a lot about the moon?" Scar asked.

"I think I know somebody," Grian said, "An old friend."

And from there, the three began to craft a plan for how to help Mumbo. Scar would try to lightly hint to Doc that he needed a cure, while Grian and Mumbo would visit Grian's friend.

The trio decided that they would put the plan into action the next morning. For now, they all needed rest from the long, exhausting thing.


Scar approached the huge doors of Doc's base. He felt himself tremble a bit. Although he knew that there was really nothing to be scared of, he couldn't help but find his fellow hermit very intimidating.

He knocked carefully and waited. He didn't have to wait long, however, as the door open and Doc stepped out. He towered over Scar, and looked down.

"Oh, hello Scar," he said, "What brings you here?"

Scar chuckled, a bit nervously. "Hey, Doc. I have-" he laughed a bit again, nervousness building up. Doc raised an eyebrow. "I have a weird question."

"Oh?" Doc questioned. Scar nodded. Doc gestured for Scar to come inside.

"Need any food?" Doc asked as Scar found a place to sit. "No thanks, not hungry."

Doc sat across from Scar, a cup of warm tea in his hands. "So, what did you want to ask me?"

"Well," Scar began, "So, hypothetically, if vampires were to exist-"

"If?" Doc asked. Scar looked at him, a bit startled. "Scar, on this server there are things far stranger than vampires. For goodness sake, Cleo is a zombie, I myself am a creeper hybrid, and goodness knows what on earth Grian is."

"Grian?" Scar asked. Doc looked at him and laughed. "Scar, Grian is too chaotic of an individual to be human. Mark my words."

They both laughed at the comment. "Anyways, you were saying?"

"Oh, right! So, if, and this is an if, there were a vampire... would it be possible to cure them?"

"Huh," Doc said, thinking, "I suppose so. It depends."

"Depends?" Scar questioned, "On what exactly?"

"Well," Doc began, stirring his tea as he spoke, "Vampirism is either an inherited trait or a trait passed by saliva, similar to a kind of virus. So, depending on how your hypothetical subject turned, I could hypothetically make a cure."

"You could?" Scar asked, beginning to feel excitement bubble up inside of him.

"Well, again, it depends. Do you know how this hypothetical vampire became a vampire in the first place?"

"Passed to them, I think."

"Then, if we assume that vampirism works similar to a kind of virus, I could probably make a cure," Doc said.

Scar smiled, a wide grin. There was hope. Maybe they could cure Mumbo.

"However-" Scar's smile dropped quickly as Doc spoke, "I would need a sample of this hypothetical specimen's blood to work on a cure."

"And if I were to get you this hypothetical vampire's blood hypothetically, you could cure them?"

Doc smirked. "Hypothetically, yes."

"Great!" Scar exclaimed, heading out the door. "Thanks, Doc!"

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