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Mumbo watched Grian closely afterwards. Every time Grian stirred, he felt his heart skip a beat. Still, it was good to see he was still breathing.

Grian stayed asleep for hours, and Mumbo frequently visited to check up on him. He paced back and forth, waiting for Grian to wake. His mind was racing. What had he done? What if he had gone too far? What if Grian was really hurt?

And why did Mumbo want to do it again?

The way Grian shook when Mumbo held him, the way his eyes were opened wide, his quickened pulse and sharp breaths-

The fear he had felt inside.

It was almost as good as the taste of his blood.

Mumbo scolded himself. 'No, this isn't right,' he thought to himself, 'Grian is my friend. He isn't a meal or some kind of prey.' He glanced down at Grian's sleeping face. He knew that he could never do this again.

..Although that didn't stop him from wanting to.


Grian woke up a couple of hours later, although "Wake Up" was a strong term for it. His head was still extremely foggy, and he could barely move. All he could really do was look around at the room he was in.

Mumbo's bedroom was actually quite beautiful. Large, gorgeous paintings lined the walls, along with a few small candle holders that lit the room. In the center of the bedroom was a large, plush bed, in which Grian was lying. Giant blankets and fluffed up pillows adorned it, making it even more comfortable than it had originally been. There were two nightstands and a large armchair next to the bed, with a couple of blankets thrown loosely on it. It looked as though someone was sitting there earlier. Someone..

Grian's head suddenly cleared for a second. Wait, where was-?

Mumbo watched as the bedroom door swung open. With it came an incredible smell of freshly baked cookies. Mumbo stepped in, carefully balancing a glass of water and a tray of chocolate chip cookies in his arms.

His eyes met with Grian's, and he immediately gave Grian an apologetic look. "I'm sorry," he said quietly, "I didn't mean to wake you." Grian shook his head as much as he could and whispered, "It's fine."

Mumbo stepped forward and carefully placed the cookies and water on one of the nightstands. "I heard that you're supposed to eat cookies after giving blood," he explained. "I'm sorry if they aren't the best, I was going back and forth a lot-"

Before he could finish, Grian had already taken a bite of one of the cookies. He made a small "mmm" as he swallowed and nodded. "These are wonderful, Mumbo," he said quietly, "Thank you."

Mumbo smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, well, y'know," he said nervously, "I kind of owe you after that whole," he waved his hand around, "ordeal."

They both sat silently for a moment. Grian indulged himself in another one of Mumbo's fresh cookies. He grabbed a third and extended his arm towards Mumbo. "Do you want one?"

Mumbo shook his head. "No, thanks," he said, "I actually can't taste food."

Grian eyes widened in surprise. "You can't?!" he exclaimed. Mumbo shook his head. "It's all bland and gross, mate," he replied.

Grian sat still for a moment. It was almost as though this revelation was more shocking than the fact that his friend was a vampire.

"Wait a minute," Grian said, "You've come to my house for dinner before and you told me that the food was good."

Mumbo shrugged. "I lied," he said, "I wouldn't know."

Grian gasped, offended. "You lied about my cooking?!"

Mumbo stared at Grian in disbelief. "What was I suppose to say?! I couldn't taste it!"

"What if it tasted bad and I fed it to our other friends and they died cause it tasted so bad."

"Grian, that's ridiculous!"

"No, what's ridiculous is that you don't think my cooking tastes good."

"I can't even taste normal food?! How would I know what 'good' is supposed to taste like?"

Grian sniffled, as though he were about to burst into tears at any minute. Mumbo rolled his eyes. "You cannot be serious."

"Yeah, you're right," Grian said with a sigh, "But I still cannot believe you can't taste anything."

Mumbo shrugged again. "It just comes with the territory," he said plainly.

Grian sat quietly in thought for a moment. "Wait, so, how long have you been like this?" he asked.

Mumbo looked down. "For... a while," he said quietly. Grian nodded.

"And how did-"

"I'm not sure."


Grian sat quietly, questions buzzing in his head. How long had Mumbo had to live like this? How did he even manage to live like this? What did he have to do to survive? Had he ever-

Grian dismissed the thought before he even finished it. He'd rather not think about that.

Instead, he turned his attention to wrist. Mumbo had wrapped it with clean bandages a few times, changing them when needed.

Carefully, Grian began to unwrap the bandages. Mumbo also watched him closely. Grian held out his arm and stared at it in awe.

The only things remaining of the incident were two small prick marks. He moved his fingers a bit, and flexed his arm a few times. His arm hardly hurt him.

Grian looked up at Mumbo, clearly astonished by the quick healing he had endured. "That's... incredible," he said.

Mumbo nodded. "Yeah, vampire bites tend to heal rather quickly," he said. 'Well, at least when the prey survives,' he thought grimly. "It's so that they have a renewable food source if needed."

Grian shuddered at the thought that people could be farmed for their blood.

He instead tried to focus on something else. "It hardly hurts at all," he commented. Mumbo nodded again. "The venom tends to numb the area for a while."

"Venom?" Grian inquired, "You have venom?"

"Yep," Mumbo replied, "It makes whatever I'm feeding from really tired, almost calm. It makes kil-" he paused, "It makes feeding from them easier."

"Wow," Grian said, "You've got a lot of cool abilities." Mumbo turned away. "'Cool' isn't exactly the word I would use for them."

They left the conversation at that. Although the wound had healed rather well, Grian was still pretty weak after the whole ordeal. He continued to rest as Mumbo began work on some blueprints.

As the moon rose, Mumbo peaked out of his doorway. He watched the moon rise, which at this point had become a normal ritual. Being nocturnal didn't exactly translate to watching the sunrise each morning.

But that night, as Mumbo saw the moon rise above the horizon, he noticed something rather odd.

The moon looked slightly bigger.


Oooh two chapters in one day? You guys are eating good huh.

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