The Secret is Out.

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Scar woke up on Mumbo's couch. He jolted up, looking around wildly. "What's going on?" he asked, panicked. Mumbo stepped towards him. "Woah, calm down, mate."

"What are you gonna do to me?" Scar asked. "Well, my first thought was to see if you were okay," Mumbo responded plainly. "Oh, sure," Scar replied, "Like I'd believe that after seeing what you did to Gri-"

"Oh, you're awake," Grian said, walking into the room with a cookie in his hand. Scar stared at him, surprised. "Grian?! You- you're okay? But- what about-" Scar looked between Mumbo and Grian.

"Are you alright, Scar?" Grian asked. Scar looked at Grian, wide eyed. "What about what he was doing to you? I thought you were.." his voice trailed off. He looked at the two of them, confused.

"What are you on about?" Mumbo asked. "You just walked in and collapsed?"

Scar looked at Mumbo, confused. He was looking at his friend's eyes, which were their usual, dark obsidian color. It didn't make any sense...

"I- I'm, so confused," Scar mumbled. Grian shook his head. "Maybe you should just head home and rest, Scar. You don't seem well."

Scar looked at him, and nodded hesitantly. "Maybe you're right," he said, standing. "I think I need a nap."

As Scar left, Mumbo turned to Grian. "I feel a bit bad," he said. "He'll be fine," Grian responded. "Besides, this was our best option." Mumbo nodded. "I suppose you're right."


Scar let himself drop onto his couch, exhausted. His mind was racing, playing back the events of the day. "Could I have just imagined it?" he asked himself.

"I guess," he sighed, running a hand through his hair. However, that was when he noticed... a bump?

Had he hit his head when he fell?

Wait a minute..


Scar shot up straight. His hand still rested on the bump on his head. "I ran into the door-" he said quietly. He winced a bit, realizing how embarrassing that had been.

Although he definitely had more important things to worry about now.

Everything he'd seen, everything that had happened just now, everything that had happened before, it suddenly began to make sense to Scar. The lying, the hiding, the weird behavior from Grian and Mumbo-

Mumbo was a vampire.

Scar felt almost stupid for not realizing sooner, but then again, nobody had. He knew that this secret was a well kept one. He couldn't even be sure it was true.

So he had to prove it was true.

And Scar began to concoct a plan on how exactly he could.

Four hours and one cake later, Scar was headed back to the lion's den. Or, vampire's house, to put it more accurately.

Scar knocked on the door. His heart began to beat faster as he waited.

Mumbo opened the door, surprised to see Scar back again. He took note of his quick pulse. "Scar?" Mumbo asked, "What are you doing here?"

Scar smiled apologetically and stepped into Mumbo's house. "Well," he began, "I just wanted to apologize about earlier. I know it must have been a pain to take care of me when I passed out."

Mumbo began to feel a bit of guilt well up inside him. "Oh, it's alright Scar," he said, "You weren't any trouble."

"Well, nevertheless," Scar continued, "I wanted to bring you this!" Scar thrust the cake forward eagerly. Mumbo looked at it, confused.

"I baked you this cake as a little thank you!" Scar explained. "Why don't you try some?"

"Oh, um," Mumbo muttered, "I'm not sure Scar."

Scar frowned. "You don't want it?" He asked. Mumbo looked away nervously. "It's just.."

"Can you not eat it for some reason?" Scar asked. Mumbo's eyes widened in surprise. Something about Scar's tone had become almost... accusatory. Did he..?

Mumbo knew that he'd have to play it safe. "N- no, I can eat it," he said, grabbing a slice of cake. Scar watched him closely. Hesitantly, Mumbo took a bite.

"Well?" Scar asked, "What do you think?" Mumbo made a wry smile. He tried not to squirm at the bland mush in his mouth. "It.. tastes great," he replied. Scar stepped closer and looked at him inquisitively. "It is?" he asked, "And you don't feel.. sick.. At all?"

Mumbo did, in fact, feel a bit sick. He swallowed the cake hesitantly and nodded. "Nope, I feel.. Great."

Scar looked a bit confused, but he stepped back and nodded. "That's.. Good."

He stood in silence for a bit. Just then, Grian approached the two. "Hey Mumbo! And.. Scar?" Grian looked at Mumbo questioningly. Mumbo plastered a smile on his face. "Scar was just bringing over this... lovely cake!"

"Ooh, cake!" Grian said excitedly. He took a slice from Scar, who was still standing, looking somewhat confused. Grian took a bite of the cake, but his smile quickly faded as he began to cough wildly.

Grian was almost collapsed on the ground, coughing. Both Mumbo and Scar watched him, surprised. "Oh, god, why is it SPICY?"

Scar stared at him wide-eyed. "It's SPICY?!" he exclaimed. "It's not meant to be spicy?!" Scar took a slice of cake and ate it for himself. He, too, began to splutter and cough. He turned to Mumbo. "Why didn't you react or say anything?!"

Mumbo looked away nervously. "I.. I-" he began to stutter. "Why did you bake a spicy cake, Scar?!" Grian said between coughs, pointing a finger accusingly at Scar. Scar raised his hands in an exasperated, defensive pose. "I didn't make it spicy! I just wanted to bring a cake to see if-"

"To see if what?" Mumbo asked. Scar smiled sheepishly. "I- uh-" he began, "Well, I just-"

"Alright," Grian said, raising his hands in the air, "We all need to just stop and talk." Scar and Mumbo agreed, and they all stepped inside.

The three sat down and looked at each other, each nervous and suspicious of the others. "What was with that cake, Scar?" Grian asked. Scar looked away, nervously.

"After earlier, I," he paused, laughing nervously, "This is so dumb- I wanted to see if Mumbo was a vampire." Mumbo and Grian shared a nervous glance. "And so.. You tried to poison him?" Grian said.

"What, no! It was meant to be a normal cake, I swear! I'm just... really bad at baking."

"What would a normal cake have done?" Mumbo asked. Scar shrugged. "I just figured vampires can't eat normal food.. but you ate it so I guess I was wrong about the whole vampire thing huh?" Scar laughed nervously again. "I'm... sorry about that."

Mumbo and Grian glanced at each other, debating what to do. Before they could say anything, though, Scar posed a question. "Wait a second.. why didn't you taste the cake?"

"Well..." Mumbo said quietly. He began to fidget with his tie nervously. Scar looked between Grian and Mumbo questioningly. Both of them just looked around nervously. Scar looked back at Mumbo, who was avoiding eye contact.

"Wait-" Scar said, "You aren't-"

"Scar," Grian said, "I think we need to tell you something."

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