Chapter 1-5

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Chapter 1 1. Rebirth

  The ringtone kept repeating, but the owner just refused to answer it willfully.

  Where am I? Yun Qi shook his head. Looking at the surrounding environment, isn't this the original rented house? Why did you come back here again?

  At this time the phone continued to ring, and Yun Qi answered it instinctively.

  "Xiao Qi, what are you doing? Why haven't you answered the phone for so long? You were late for the meeting!" Hearing a familiar yet unfamiliar voice, Yun Qi suddenly remembered that this was his director.

  A bold idea floated in Yunqi's head, am I back to the past? But she didn't ask, and immediately came back, "Leader, I want to ask for leave today, I feel a little uncomfortable." "

  Ah, you are not feeling well, then you should take a good rest at home. Remember to make up a leave note when you come back." After hesitating for a while on the phone, he immediately agreed.

  "Okay, okay, thank you, leader." After hanging up the phone, Yun Qi immediately opened the calendar in the phone, and it was back to 12 years ago.

  Yun Qi hugged his legs, sat in the corner and wept silently, this is the time when everything has not started. She is at a loss, and she will still face the end of the world the same when she comes back. Can she change everything?

  She thought of her parents who were still in her hometown at the moment, so she quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed her parents' number directly.

  "Xiao Qi, didn't you just call yesterday, and you miss your mother again." A familiar voice came from the phone.

  "...Mom" Yun Qi choked up when he heard his mother's voice.

  "Xiao Qi, what's the matter with you? Don't scare mom." Yun's mother became anxious when she heard her daughter's voice was wrong.

  "Mom, it's okay, I just missed you all of a sudden." Yun Qi replied calmly.

  "I'm homesick, I'll come back and have a look after a while."

  After chatting with his mother for a while, Yun Qi reluctantly hung up the phone.

  After Yun Qi hung up the phone, he slowly recalled what happened in his previous life.

  Yun Qi was born in a small city in the north. Her hometown is surrounded by mountains and rivers. It is a small fourth-tier city, and her ancestral home is in a village in the city and country. The same family and surname, very united.

  Yun Qi was admitted to Southern X University, and found a job in this city after graduation. Those who have been working for several years and have not been up or down, the salary is not high, but the victory lies in stability. No one thought that nature would make such a joke, the seasons are volatile, and various natural disasters continue.

  When the natural disaster started, it didn't attract everyone's attention, and she couldn't return to her hometown until the end.

  Now she can't wait to return to her parents immediately, but she knows that it's not yet time, what she owes, what she owes, she hasn't paid back, and he is still in this city.

  No one thought that the city would disappear from the ground two years later, thinking of the terrible earthquake and tsunami, Yun Qi still had lingering fears.

  "How can we get through this crisis? It would be great if my space followed me." It was her thoughts that were too persistent, and the appearance of space actually flashed in her mind.

Rebirth in the End Times: Bringing the Whole Village to FarmWhere stories live. Discover now