Chapter 261-270

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Chapter 261 259. Suppressing
  Liu Xiaoli Since she has been getting along with Huang Yun for a long time in the past few days, many people in the village have asked her to help inquire. If her own children were not still young, she would want to marry their daughters.

  "Sister Yun, you are too modest. Recently, many people have been asking me. If you have any requests, you can tell me. Then we can work together and choose the most suitable one for A Ming." I thought. Liu Xiaoli began to work hard to persuade Huang Yun for the benefits promised by the people who had come before.

  "My request is the simplest. As long as you are honest and capable, being beautiful at this time is not enough for a living." "

  Then I really know a few people with similar conditions. Do you want to bring them over to you one day? For a moment?" Liu Xiaoli quickly recommended while the iron was hot.

  "Okay, I don't believe in your judgment yet. Remember to choose a good one for our A Ming when the time comes." Huang Yun thought that there was a higher chance that she was joking and agreed with a smile.

  The two started chatting again. While chatting, Liu Xiaoli was not idle either, always touching here and there.

  When Huang Yun saw that she still wanted to do something, he quickly grabbed the work and finished it himself.

  After the morning passed like this, she had finished all the things at Liu Xiaoli's house, and then she still had a lot of things to do at home. She even hadn't washed the clothes that the three father and son had changed out of the day before yesterday.

  Liu Xiaoli took a look and saw that there seemed to be nothing more to do at home, so he opened his mouth to remind Huang Yun.

  "Sister Yun, wait a minute and the accountant and the others will be back. Should you go back and prepare the meal? Otherwise, they will start talking to you again later." "No, I have to do these tasks every day.

  , Fortunately, you can chat with me, and this day passes much faster. It seems that the time has passed before I stayed for a long time." Huang Yun felt that time passed very quickly since chatting with Liu Xiaoli.

  "Then I'm going back. You must not move around again. If you have anything else to do, wait until they come back." After Huang Yun finished speaking, he hurried away.

  Liu Xiaoli smiled after watching her leave. The things at home were basically done, and he would be able to sell well in front of his parents-in-law later.

  Huang Yun was still unaware and came to Liu Xiaoli every day to help her.

  Si Zhengwei and the others discovered these things only a long time later, but at that time they could not blame others, they could only suffer the loss of being dumb. Of course, this was all in the future.

  Although Sicheng wanted to wait for another batch of supplies and go to the back mountain to check, Yunnan Medicine had been urging him since he tested out the efficacy of the medicine.

  Just after these few days of hard work, the crossbows have been assembled, and the combat effectiveness of the entire village has been greatly improved. Many people are also eager to run to the back mountain.

  Early in the morning, all the people who had participated in the hunt in the back mountain gathered in the square. This time, not only the young adults in the village participated, but many young girls also joined the group, including Yunqi of course.

  "Don't be embarrassed to face us. Victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs. If you practice more next time, you might be able to challenge us." Yun Liping carried her backpack and looked at the cousins in front of her provocatively.

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