Chapter 241-250

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Chapter 241 239.
  This time when the conversation went to Yaojia Village, they did not ask them to take away the cattle, nor did they notify several nearby villages. Instead, Pinghe Village selected dozens of people to carry their own dry food and money to exchange. The medicinal materials went straight to the road.

  After everyone sent them off, they each started a busy day's new tasks. Sicheng also took people to the back mountain to see the bear traps. Since the bear traps were buried, there will be more or less gains, and these gains will go to Go to the village and distribute them when the time comes.

  The city also began to be turbulent, and several surrounding villages were attacked by refugees. Fortunately, each village was well prepared, and the losses were not great. However, the crops that were not protected within the walls were all destroyed by the refugees. They were all snatched away, and some of them were destroyed like this before they were even mature enough.

  "It's really too much. Aren't you killing your own way out?" Chief Kuang couldn't help but slap the table as he thought about receiving these messages one after another.

  "Several villages nearby now refuse to accept them, and some are still strengthening their walls." Ma Tao thought of the crop fields he saw today and could understand the actions of these villagers. After all, the food they had worked so hard to grow had not yet been harvested. It is really too much to waste food like this in such an environment when it is ruined by these people during the harvest time.

  "Originally, we were discussing with them how to raise some food from various villages to temporarily solve their plight. Now that they have to suffer like this, who will help them?" "This time, thousands of their people participated, and they used

  their To put it bluntly, the law does not punish the public, and I don’t want to think about how disgusted they are with this approach.” “

  As the old saying goes, poor people must be hateful, and not every vulnerable group deserves sympathy.”

  Everyone. You said something to me, but no one had a good impression of the refugees who came this time. After doing ideological work for so long, not only did they not make any progress, but now they actually set their sights on several surrounding villages, and even used In their words, "Everyone is in such difficulty, why can these people be so stable?" Some people even proposed communism, which would centralize the distribution of harvests in each village.

  Just when everyone was having a headache, representatives from several surrounding villages arrived.

  "We don't want to allow these people to continue to dominate our territory. If they continue to stay here, we won't feel safe." Village A spoke on behalf of several nearby villages about the results of their discussion.

  "That's right, the place is so big. You said before that you would come and integrate into our villages, and we accepted them without objection. But we cannot accept this group of refugees." The representative of Village B also expressed strong dissatisfaction.

  "The crops that were destroyed before were treated as bad luck for our village and donated to them. As for the materials we talked about with you before, our village can no longer provide them. If they are so destroyed, everyone's food will be reduced. After all, we ourselves have to survive."

  "If you don't deal with it, our villages will unite and drive them out." Looking at the

  tough attitudes of several villages, Chief Kuang and the others also had a headache. After all, In this incident, they went too far and couldn't find any reason to defend them.

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